Chapter 9 Reunited.

Start from the beginning

As they stepped out of the portal Jackie looked for Marco but didn't see him anywhere, just some other boy wearing his clothes. Marco felt a bit embarrassed as he wasn't wearing a shirt and he didn't have his abs. "So here I am." Marco told Jackie with a shy voice. He almost facepalmed himself at what he said and how he said it. "So this is what you are actually like. I must admit it's not what I expected." She sounded so disappointed to see regular Marco. Before Marco could speak again Jackie asked him where they were? He replied telling her that they were at a tavern that Hekapoo took him to a few times. She asked why here and was this Earth? Marco responded. "No this isn't Earth. This is a completely different dimension from Earth. I thought since you wanted experience it would be nice to visit a few dimensions." Though Marco wasn't telling Jackie the real reason he took her here was because he knew Earth or Mewni would be the first two places Hekapoo would search for Jackie. Holding his hand out to Jackie. "So shall we?" Jackie accepted and went straight into the tavern with Marco. The first thing Marco did was get a shirt which was easy enough to buy. Marco got just a simple grey shirt to wear. Second he brought Jackie something to drink and got them a table. Jackie looked around trying to take in everything. "Wow it's nothing like I thought it would be. So what does this place serve?" Marco responded. "Well it serves food, drinks, people for hire..." Jackie interpreted him. "No no I mean what is the purpose of this place." Marco was confused. "I just told you." Jackie giggled. "You're a funny guy." Marco smiled. "It is also a meet up place for racers and daredevils." A voice from the side interjected. They both turned to see who was talking to them. It was Talon Raventalon. "So what are you doing here?" Marco, not amused, responded. "None of your business Talon." Talon lowered his sunglasses. "I wasn't talking to you." Talon fixed his sunglasses and pointed to Jackie. "I was talking to her." Marco was shocked. Jackie replied with a smile. "I'm here with my new friend Marco." His showing me life outside of the Neverzone. Talon, curious, asked. "She finally let you out huh?" Jackie shrugged. "Umm well..." Marco interrupted both of them. "Wait wait wait. You two KNOW each other?" Jackie turned back to Marco. "Yeah he's one of Hekapoo's regular clients." Marco wondered what she meant by client but decided he didn't need to know more beyond that. "So be really with me, are you here for the Dragoncycle race?" "What race?" Marco asked. "A race?" Jackie asked as well. Talon, pushing Marco, sat down to explain the race. "Yeah you see there is a competition going one to determine who from this dimension should race in the big Dragon cycle grand prix on Hotatron 9. Are you interested?" Marco quickly said no there but Jackie being very curious about this says "yeah it sounds fun." "Your order is up." Said one of the tavern workers as he gave them their drinks. Two lemon Cordials and two Ice cream Sundays. "Well I see you have your order is here so I'll leave you to it. Maybe think about it you two. As Talon leaves them to enjoy their order." Marco looks at Jackie. "You can't be serious about this?" Jackie stirring her drink with her straw. "It sounds exciting doesn't it Marco? I have never been in a race before." Jackie then takes the straw out and sips the Cordial. "Hmmm this is really good." Marco giggled a little but still wanted to talk her out of it. "It could be dangerous and you don't know what it's like racing." Jackie looked at him unimpressed. "And you do?" "No, that's the point." Marco calmed down. "I just don't want to see you get hurt and besides there are some many more places to visit." Jackie smiled again. "Alright alright but there is some sort of gorge you have to show me one day." "Also, do you know how to ride a Dragoncycle?" Jackie responded with a smirk on her face. "What do you think I did with Nachos when Hekapoo was gone? Study all day." Marco knew they would have to keep moving to stay off of Hekapoo's tracks so he didn't want to stick around too much. The two of them enjoy their Cordials and Sundays.

Hekapoo returned back to her home feeling really exhausted since the trail of Eclipsa isn't going anyway and closing portals without help is draining on her. She called out to Jackie but with no response. She called out again but louder thinking that maybe she was asleep or busy with something in another room. She looked left and right to find nothing. She checked the study area, her room and even her forbidden rooms but still no sign of Jackie anywhere. She was getting annoyed at this point. With her arms crossed she yelled. "If this is a prank I'm not having any of it." She looked up at her tanks. "Jackie!" She whispered. "Where is she?" But when she looked at Nacho's resting place she saw that even Nachos was gone too. "Marco Ubaldo Diaz!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Hekapoo began to panic a little. "If this gets out I'll be ruined. Even Eclipsa will look like a saint." She took a deep breath and reassured herself that she can find Marco and Jackie before her secret is out. But where to look first? Earth duh. She headed straight to Earth through a portal.

Hekapoo on Earth disguises herself as a human investigator, keeping her red hair but now with brown eyes and pale skin decided to head straight for the Diaz family home. Diaz hears a knock on the door and Rafael answers it. "Can I help you? Hello sir this is Hek arg Zosia Mamet of the Echo Creek investigation unit. Can I come in to ask some questions?" Rafael was very confused on why a investigator was here alone. He answers while rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not sure about that or why are you here?" Hekapoo thinks that maybe they're here but wants to be sure. Hekapoo looks at a clipboard she has. "Your son Marco Diaz is a suspect in the disappearances of Jackie Lynn Thomas months ago. Is he here?" Rafael tells her that no he's not here and his boy had nothing to do with that. But Hekapoo still insists on entering the house to look for Marco. Angie comes to see what's going on at the door and introduces herself. "Hey I'm Angie Marco's mother and I'm sorry to tell you he's not here right now and you should..." Hekapoo is getting annoyed and cuts off Angie before she was done. "So then where is he?" The two parents look at each other and think of an excuse but then Angie feels kicking on her belly. Rafael notices this and takes the opportunity to hopefully get rid of Hekapoo. "Oh I'm sorry but my wife is in heavy labour and..." Hekapoo interrupts them. "I don't care. Just tell me where Marco is and I'll let you go to the hospital." Angie pipes up. "Marco isn't in Echo Creek." Hekapoo raises her eyebrow to stay in character. "He is part of a student exchange program." Hekapoo responded. "How convenient for him." Rafael also asks. "Shouldn't you already know that?" Hekapoo gets nervous and tells them. "Well we heard he might be back so I want to see you huh." Angie screams in pain so both Angie and Rafael go for the car and leave. Hekapoo notices they left the door open and waits for them to leave before entering. "You're not actually about to have the baby now are you?" "No Rafael I just wanted to get away from that woman because trying to explain that your son is in a different dimension is difficult without sounding insane." The two of them laugh as they go for a drive together.                       

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