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"You could've saved me, but you didn't."

Y/N gasps, her eyes opening to see fairy lights above her and feeling two arms wrapped around her body. She turns to see Omega hugging her, Eeyore between Omega's head and Y/N's right arm, acting like a pillow. Y/N hesitates, not wanting to wake Omega. She then hears the sound of a camera shutter and pales, looking towards the curtain to see Wrecker there with a camera in his hands, a mischievous smile on his face as Omega stirs.

"If you show that to the others, I will shove that camera down your throat." Y/N whispers, pointing at him with her left hand.

Wrecker smirks before running off. Omega lets go of Y/N, awake now, and Y/N thanks her before lunging out of Omega's room, chasing after Wrecker.

"Gimme the camera!" Y/N orders, chasing after the giant.

Wrecker laughs, "Not a chance, kid!"

"Give it to me or so help me I'll tell Omega about the bandana incident!" Y/N demands, now on his neck, wrestling with him.

Echo walks into the room, seeing Y/N and Wrecker on the ground, wrestling and Wrecker keeping a camera away from the young adult and Omega watching with a confused face.

"What's going on here?" Echo asks.

Y/N exclaims, "Jolly Green Giant over here is being a jerk!"

Echo raises his eyebrow before taking the camera out of Wrecker's hand. Y/N panics, pushing herself off Wrecker and reaching for the camera, but Echo puts his prosthetic in front of him, stopping her from reaching the camera.

"Don't look at it!" Y/N exclaims.

Echo chuckles, looking at the sleepy faces of Omega and Y/N on the camera, a little bit of drool at the edge of Y/N's mouth. Y/N flushes red, grabbing at the camera.

"You're kinda cute like that." Echo teases.

Y/N growls, "I know, I know. Now give me the camera!"

Echo smirks, "I think I'll keep this on me."

Y/N pales, "No, Echo, don't you dare! Delete the picture, please!"

"Begging? Pathetic." Jade scoffs from behind Y/N.

Y/N turns and glares, "You stay out of this!"

Echo chuckles, tossing the camera back to Wrecker. Y/N groans, admitting defeat and walking into a storage closet.

Echo starts, "That's a-"

"I know." Y/N's muffled voice announces.


After a bit of coaxing from Omega, Y/N finally leaves the closet, pretending what happened earlier never happened, even though the picture spread through the entire ship. No one has commented on it, noticing Y/N's sour mood. Hunter points to a star map at a planet.

"Idaflor, that's where we'll go."

Wrecker frowns, "But Idaflor's not even inhabited."

"We know, Wrecker." Y/N replies.

"It makes it the perfect place to hide out." Hunter frowns.

Y/N frowns, "Well, if the portal that dragged me here would appear, we could all go to Earth and we wouldn't even need to hide because the Empire has no control over my solar system."

Omega protests, "Hide? But I've been stuck on Kamino my whole life. Can't we explore?"

Hunter replies, "Not right now. We have to wait for things to settle down. Especially with the bounty on Y/N's head."

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