Aftermath part 1

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"Great Jiminy Fudgenuggets, it's freezing here! It's like Jack Frost decided not just to nip my nose but bite my whole face!" Y/N exclaims, walking through the snowy forest, clamping her left hand over her nose in an effort to keep it somewhat warm.

Wrecker asks, "Who's Jack Frost?"

"Long story about a guy who controls ice and winter." Y/N answers, shoving her helmet on, keeping her head warm.

"We've been asked for reinforcements, so we just have to find our allies." Hunter announces.

Y/N shrugs, "Just look for the Commander kid that answers to the name of Caleb."

A kid appears through the forest, locking his blue eyes on the group of clones.

"Oh look! Right on time!" Y/N chuckles.


With the other clones on the other side of the forest, they continue to fight back against the Separatists.

One clone turns to his General and frowns, "Not to be a pessimist, but if the Commander isn't back soon with those reinforcements..."

"My Padawan will be here." The Jedi frowns.

Suddenly, Caleb slides down the mountain nearby and hides next to his master in the trench.

"Master! Here. I'm here."

The Jedi asks, "Caleb, where are the reinforcements?"

Caleb answers, "Don't worry. They're right behind me."

"Uh, where are they?" The clone asks.


Caleb frowns, "Trust me."

"Well, how many are there?" The clone asks.

"Six of them." Caleb smirks.

The clone gapes, "Six?! We're done."

"Yeah, that's what I thought, but you gotta see these clones and girl. They're different." Caleb smirks.

Suddenly, a stone starts rolling down the cliff, smashing into the Separatist forces.

"Crush them again! Burn 'em again! Destroy them! Burn them to the ground!" A female voice laughs.

The group appears out of the forest, blasting away any droids nearby, blowing them up.

"I don't believe it. That's Clone Force 99." The clone frowns.

Soon the dust gets too dark to see through, just a few yells heard through the dust and smoke. Eventually, silence falls as the smoke clears, showing six figures walking through the smoke, taking off their helmets, revealing one girl and five clones. (I could not write that fight scene.)

"If you're done hiding down there, I suggest you launch a counterattack. Another droid battalion's approaching." Hunter smirks.

The clone glares, "The general is the one who gives the orders around here."

"He's right, Captain. This is our chance. Launch the counterattack." The Jedi smiles.

The Captain seems to pout for a moment before nodding, "Yes, General. All right, men. Let's go!"

The clones obey as the Padawan stares in awe as he, the Captain, and General walk up to the Bad Batch.

Wrecker exclaims, "There you are, little Jedi. You missed all the fun!"

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