The First Few Weeks

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A/N: keep in mind, I have all my limbs, so I'm going out on a limb(heh, puns) and writing without any experience and random info I found on the internet. This is kind of a filler chapter and probably won't be important to the story, but I would love it if you read it. It's fun. Oh, and I finally remembered what the screwdriver hand is called. A scomplink.
Another thing, please check out simp4thestars and their Tech X Reader insert book! It's a great book too!

"I only realise the rain is cold because my skin carries the heat of my blood, because my inner fires burn strong. And as I stride onwards my eyes are always seeking the rainbows given by the light."

Y/N leans against the wall, sleeping against it, her biological leg bent so her foot is on her robotic leg's thigh, keeping her real foot out of anyone's way as they might walk past her as she hugs her guitar. The clones stare in confusion, not sure how she's sleeping against a wall and hugging the guitar so easily.

"How is she sleeping like that?"

"Don't ask me. She was like that when I found her."

"Holding a stringed instrument?"


The group whispers some more, confused at her position.

"Ya know, if you're gonna watch someone in their sleep, you could make sure you don't wake them with your chattering and staring. It's kinda creepy to be awoken to five voices talking about you." Y/N announces with her eyes closed, making everyone jump.

Wrecker chuckles, "Sorry, kid. Didn't mean to wake you."

Y/N wipes her eyes, yawning as she gets up off the floor, "Well, I'm up now. Couldn't sleep anyway. As soon as I got even close to REM, I woke back up."

Wrecker asks, "REM?"

"Rapid Eye Movement, Wrecker. The part of falling asleep when you start dreaming. That's what we called it on Earth because whenever we started dreaming, our eyes started moving quite rapidly behind our eyelids." Y/N explains, impressing Tech with her knowledge and breaking it down into simple words for Wrecker.

Hunter asks, "How could you even sleep like that?"

"I have developed the ability to sleep anywhere, although I'm pretty sure it's hereditary. I caught my sister sleeping in the most uncomfortable position. She had her foot behind her head." Y/N answers, picking up her guitar and sitting on a crate as she starts to tune the instrument.

Wrecker asks, "What are you doing now?"

"Tuning my guitar. If I don't have the strings pulled tight enough, it sounds wonky when I play. Do you guys mind if I play something?" Y/N asks.

Echo asks, "How can you play anything with that hand?"

Y/N chuckles, "I played a video game with my left hand's fourth and fifth metacarpals broken, which I only know that word because it was said so many times I lost count, which was put in a horrible cast because the doctor tried to bend my hand the wrong way and broke the splint, so my hand wiggled a little. Mum was extremely ticked off with the doctor when she found out the splint broke."(True story.)

She places her left hand on the neck of the guitar, putting her fingers on the strings. She strums with her scomplink hand, making an upbeat tune. She starts singing a song that she's heard since childhood with her eyes half-closed.

"Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?

Rainbow's are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide

Star Wars Female!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now