Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

He's never admitted this to anyone. He didn't plan to. Ever.

Until now.

"If - " Diana starts, suddenly sounding unsure of herself, " If you really care about her . . . . . why don't you show her?"

Draco scoffs, raising his eyebrows, "Show her? She runs away whenever we're in the same room, "

Diana rolls her eyes, "You know what I'm talking about, " She sighs, "Look, I know things may seem . . . . . impossible . . . . now, but I guarantee that Maya is much more receptive than you think, even if she doesn't act like it. Show her that you care about her, about what she has to say, about her well-being. She may not get along with you, currently, but I doubt that she hates you. And learn to apologize, for Pete's sake. You really need to tell your pride to screw off. "

Draco swallows, closing his eyes and covering his face with his hands. He's acknowledged these feelings before; hell, it's what's been on his mind this entire year. He can't help the tug behind his heart whenever Maya manages to meet eyes with him, nor the electricity coursing through his veins whenever they accidentally manage to touch. There's always a painful twinge in his stomach whenever he sees that lifeless look on her face; like she's lost part of herself and doesn't know how to get it back.

An intrinsic part of him wants to see her smile again.

He swallows, suddenly, feeling quite unsure of himself. Having feelings for someone is one thing. But acting on them?

Draco looks at the open doors of the hospital wing, and the decision is clear in his mind.

The injury hurts less than she thought it would.

Madam Pomfrey looks livid as she applies the bruise paste to Maya's tender side, not even paying attention to the dark red lace of her bra exposed with her shirt pulled up. She mutters angry sentences under her breath, spewing words that Maya wouldn't dare use even in her angriest moment.

"That boy should be expelled!! " she mutters, between rubbing circles into Maya's skin, "Hitting another student, especially a girl!! What exactly does he think of himself?! Just because his father works for the Ministry, he can get away with anything he wants?! Kids these days, I swear . . . . "

"I could've fought back if Umbri ― the teachers hadn't showed up!" Maya retorts, feeling somewhat put down by the matron's words, "I am perfectly capable of kicking his prissy arse ―"

"Yeah, well, there won't be any of that happening today, " Madam Pomfrey declares, voice tight as she steps back. Maya quickly yanks her shirt back down, cheeks turning red as she quickly looks around to see if anyone saw.

"The paste needs an hour to heal properly" She glares at Maya, the look in her eyes knowing exactly what the younger girl is thinking "No fighting. As much as I admire your . . . . enthusiasm . . . . you need to rest, my dear"

Maya huffs, laying back down as she walks away. I can handle myself in a fight perfectly fine, Maya thinks, venomously, to herself. Although she somewhat lacks in size, Nandini forced her to take self-defense from a very young age. Considering the kind of lifestyle her mother led, it makes sense that the older woman would want Maya to be able to defend herself.

Maybe if she'd been a bit more clear about exactly what Maya was up against, this entire situation would've just been a bad dream.

Ten, maybe twenty minutes pass, and the silence in the hospital wing slowly starts to feel oppressive. Maya lies on her back, feeling suddenly antsy. Her hands ache to pick up and do something; anything, really, she's never liked being alone with her thoughts. Her phone lies on the far end of the side table, completely out of reach, and honestly, Maya doubts her injured side would appreciate her muscles being stretched that way.

in the end ~ d. malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now