"Yes please." Why wouldn't Louis tell me? Or my parents? How could they just turn a blind eye like that? 

"Okay, we have an injection we can do, where it'll enhance the power in your brain and you should be able to remember in about an hour. Would you like that?" 

"Yes, please. That'd be great." He gave me the shot and I fell into a sleep almost immediately. 

When I woke up, all the memories came flooding back to me. The eggs. The rocks. The insults. The pills. The tears. The phone call. All of the sudden, I noticed Louis was here. When did he get here?

"Louis?" I asked, sitting up.

"How you feeling?" He smirked.

"Betrayed." I whispered.

"What?" He sounded like he lost his breath.

"You didn't tell me. Louis, I tried to end my own life and you don't even tell me. What's wrong with you? Don't you think I have a right to know that kind of information?" 

"Yes of course, I just didn't think I should tell you quite yet..." He whispered, grabbing my hand.

"Whatever, Louis. Just leave me alone." 


"Now." I said through gritted teeth. He walked out the door with his head hung in shame. I put my head down in my hands and started to cry. I remembered everything. Every last thought I had during that night, and I didn't like the feeling. It made me feel like a big hole opened up in my heart again.

I cried until my head hurt and I had no more tears, and then I got a drink from the water beside my bed. Sometimes I just wish life was better. I had my phone with me, so I checked Facebook. 

Wow. I have a lot of wall posts. I read a few out loud to myself. 

"Feel better Harry."

"Miss you already, dude. Get better soon."

"I'm so sorry this happened...people these days smh."

"Damn! I hope you get better soon dude..." 

They were all really nice, which made me a bit happier. I texted Louis. "I'm sorry, Lou, I'm just really overwhelmed. This is big news and I was just a little mad because you didn't tell me...I forgive you. Please come back."

"Lou, huh?" He said, entering the room. "I like the new nickname. Let's think of two nicknames for each other. Okay? Lou's one for me. I'd like to call you Harold. Okay?" 

"Okay. What about Boobear for you?" 

"Okay. What about Hazza for you?" 


"Okay. Hey!" Louis exclaimed. "It's like that movie! The Fault In Our Stars, the whole 'okay' 'okay' thing! Speaking of that, we should make a word our okay, and we should see that movie soon."

"Okay, first off, I'd love to see that movie with you. Second, what word is our okay?" 

"How about...alright." 

I chuckled. "Original." 

"Whatever. It makes sense. Alright?"

"Alright." I whispered, with a slight smile at him. "When do you think I'll get out of here?"

"Soon." A doctor entered the room, interrupting me at the perfect time. Almost as if on cue. "Actually, you could go home at any time. You're free to go. But, just as a precaution, if you want to off yourself call us first and we'll help you. Okay? And get bed rest for a few days. Do your homework at home and have your teachers email you assignments or something." 

"Okay. Thanks." I got my clothes together and changed, then me and Louis went to find my mum. She was with my dad.

"Guess what!" Said my mum when I found her.

"What?" I asked.

"They said dad could go home! He can go home but they have to check up on him in a week or any time before that if his lungs get worse," she said, with absolute glee in her voice. 

"Yay!" I screamed, hugging my dad as he entered the room. 

"By the way, he knows." Louis told them. 

"How are you about that?" My dad asked, concerned. 

"I'm...alright," I cast Louis a side glance. "It's all behind me. I'm just ready to go home." They all laughed.

"Me too. I've spent half my week in a hospital!" My mum said, we all laughed and piled in the car, finally driving home.

a/n: sorry it's short i suck :(

Waiting For A Hero. (LARRY STYLINSON)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora