Arc I, Chapter 15

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Dear Heero...

"Your Grace, Commander – there are letters for you."

Trowa moved fast to retrieve the messenger's offerings, delivering three letters to Heero and keeping one for himself. Wufei, the only one without a letter now, sighed in exasperation; Meilan really knew how to hold grudges. Heero was not looking forward to their reunion and hoped it came with less property damage than usual.

Glancing down at what had been handed to him, Heero was not surprised to see they were from Duo, Howard - and now Quatre. He suspected Quatre had wrote Trowa his own private letter, and honestly, he didn't even want to read whatever sickly-sweet nonsense went on in their correspondence. Being an unwitting third wheel to their in-person romance had been rough enough.

Opening Howard's letter first, Heero scanned the words. "...they're investigating another human trafficking ring," he announced to the room. "...Duo got caught up--?"

Heero glared down at the words. Howard had been unhelpfully vague in his description, only stating that a budding criminal organization that originated in the provincial capital had been dealing in human trafficking and stolen goods, and that "the Duchess and Master Winner have taken care of the issue." Quatre's involvement was not a surprise, but why was Duo involved again?

There were no notes from Hilde this time around, so Duo was unlikely to have been injured then. That was good; if Duo got hurt even one more time, Heero was going to have to seriously rethink the security around his husband. A dandy should be easy to protect for the kingdom's strongest military force.

Reading through the note left by Commander Broden, detailing his expansion of patrol routes given the human trafficking case, along with an increase in the number of Duchess Guards – that seemed unnecessary but Quatre was there, so Heero would leave it up to the blonde to be reasonable – there wasn't much in this letter. There also seemed to be a few water stains, but Heero couldn't fathom why. (And why was the letter riddled with incomprehensible apologies?) At the very least, the training regimen looked to have remained unaltered this time around.

Heero was glad. Every other letter he'd received had been vexing in their own way, so maybe things were finally calming down back home.

Opening up Duo's letter, Heero began to read.

Dear Heero,

I'm about to go insane.

There are guards everywhere I look. I was in the kitchen talking to the staff – they're there. I was taking a stroll through the garden – they're there. I stubbed my toe on the leg of my desk and one burst in through the window with her sword drawn! Heero, have you ever had to convince someone that an inanimate piece of furniture could not possibly commit treason?

Which reminds me, Quatre and his men have safely returned to the estate.

Which part reminded him?!

I've also started to invite Miss Catherine to some of the tea parties I'm hosting. Have you ever seen her and Lady Fuyunari get into a debate over horses? Things got so heated that Lady Angela couldn't get a word in edgewise, it was the best tea party to date.

Oh, and I've started diversifying our kitchen recipes. Quatre and Lady Meilan had excellent suggestions so we've started incorporating their food into our menus. Lady Meilan also wanted to let me know to let you know to let Master Chang know that the flower peddler he's so fond of has a new item and she bought it for him, and also she still thinks that his gardening hobby is ridiculous.

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