Arc I, Chapter 14

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There wasn't a lot to do except sit in my carriage and think while we made our way back to the Yuy estate. Asahi was driving and Quatre and his men had their own horses, so I got time to myself within the carriage. I could glance out the window at the passing view but Quatre rode at the side and seemed attuned to my every move, meeting my eyes whenever I chanced a look outside.

I knew I could only take my 'amnesia' so far.

It explained the gaps in my memories but not everything else – like the engineering, or the change in tastes or personality. I'd managed to bluff my way through Hilde's suspicions, but something told me Quatre wouldn't be so accommodating. I guess the novel got tired of me surviving its bullshit and sent me Quatre.

So now how was I going to work this...?

There was a small army greeting us by the time we reached the front steps of the main residence, Hilde at the front of it looking as murderous as ever. She only became more incensed as she took in Quatre's party effectively escorting my carriage towards them. I had never wanted to live in my carriage more.

Howard looked like he'd been swallowing lemons prior to our arrival, although he and the rest of the staff – even Hilde! – gave Quatre little bows in greeting. Quatre and his men disembarked from their horses and Asahi looked ready to help me off the carriage but was beat there by Hilde, who was definitely glaring at me. I wanted to live in my carriage!!

"Welcome back, Master Winner," Howard said, lemon-sour face only vaguely haunting his smile.

Quatre's smile was bright. "Thank you, Mr. Howard, it's so good to be back!"

Uh-huh, sure it was.

"Thank you for escorting the Duchess back as well," Howard continued. Hilde breathed a little heavier next to me in her effort to control herself and not wring my neck.

"It was no trouble at all, I was fortunate enough to run into His Grace in the town square," Quatre answered. "I accompanied him on trip."

Hilde glared at me. "Did you recognize him?" she asked me in a whisper.

"...Not until it was too late," I whispered back.

To be fair to me though, it wasn't like Quatre exactly matched his book description. The blonde hair and blue eyes were the same but that wasn't too unusual here. Master Winner in the novel was known for a garish scar that laid horizontal across his throat, as if someone had tried to slash his neck open. The novel had never mentioned his overwhelming cuteness either, which felt very unfair in hindsight.

"You must be tired from your journey," Howard was saying. "We maintained your rooms in your absence so please feel free to rest."

Quatre's smile didn't lose even an ounce of cheer. "Oh, I'm not tired at all. In fact, if you're free, I'd like to speak with you and Miss Hilde about something."

I could not more obviously be that 'something'. That's it, I'm officially revoking his angel status too!

It was obvious that Quatre had the lead here. If this continued on, we'd all be sequestered in different rooms for interrogation. I had to get the upper hand back, and to do so – I needed to draw on every dandy Duchess lesson I'd ever learned from Lady Aurora.

Time to shine.

"Before we have a meeting, there are some things we need to take care of first!" I announced, strutting forward with Lady Aurora's cutting remarks about my posture haunting my every step. "Now that Master Winner has returned, we mustn't be negligent in our duties!"

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