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"What do you think!? Look how high I can jump now!" Naruto exclaimed with excitement.

Naruto got up from his position and stood, but his balance wavered, and it seemed like he was about to fall. Panic flashed across his face, but instead of plummeting, he hung upside down from the branch he had been sitting on.

"Just kidding!" Naruto laughed mischievously.

"Idiot! You scared me!" Sakura yelled, her heart still racing.

Suddenly, his feet detached from the tree, and he started to free fall.

"Stupid Naruto! Stop showing off!" Sakura scolded, her concern evident.

Fortunately, Karma had foreseen this mishap and reached out to grab his foot while standing on a branch below him.

"You're an idiot, Naruto..." Karma sighed, her grip firm but gentle.

"Sora! You're the best!" Naruto cheered, clearly relieved.

Karma descended the tree, gracefully setting Naruto down on the ground.

After this little adventure, they decided it was time to head home for the day. Karma and Tsunami worked together to clean up and prepare supper, the kitchen filled with a sense of camaraderie and purpose.

Tanzuna and Sakura sat atop Kakashi's back while he effortlessly performed one-fingered push-ups.

"I wanted to ask you earlier, but why are you still here after I lied about the mission details?" Tanzuna inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Karma, standing in the doorway, chimed in with wisdom, "To abandon your duty is not courageous. 'Below courageous is nothing' were the previous Hokage's words. This is the way of the shinobi. Shinobis don't move solely because of money."

Later in the evening, Kakashi, Tanzuna, and Karma sat at the table, discussing their day. Naruto and Sasuke entered, with Sasuke supporting Naruto, who seemed quite exhausted.

"Oh, so you're both back..." Kakashi remarked.

"Hehe, both of us... Made it to the top," Naruto said proudly, though fatigue was evident in his voice.

"All right, Naruto and Sasuke, starting tomorrow, you two will also help protect Tanzuna," Kakashi announced.

"Hehe... Ok, I'm also tired out from today's bridgework. At this rate, the bridge is almost done," Tanzuna smiled, showing genuine gratitude.

Tsunami couldn't help but express her concern. "Father, Naruto, don't overdo it, okay?"

Naruto, who was practically asleep on the table, noticed Inari's tears. "What's wrong with you?"

"Why do you guys try so hard?! No matter how hard you train, you can never defeat Gatou's men!" Inari's voice quivered with frustration and anger.

Inari turned to Karma, a furious look on his face, and continued, "No matter what glorious claims you make or hard work when facing the strong, the weak will only get killed!"

Naruto, never one to back down from a challenge, spoke up. "So, it's okay for you to be the star of the tragedy and cry all day? So keep crying all day!! You little sissy."

"Naruto, you've said enough," Karma said sternly, trying to defuse the situation.

Inari crossed his arms and stood up, his anger evident in his posture.

Karma had made a bet with Kakashi earlier about whether Naruto and Inari would get into a fight, and she now realized that she was the one who had lost that bet.

"Can I join you...?" she asked, her voice soft and understanding.

Inari sat on the deck of his house, the tides rushing beneath him, and Karma sat down beside him. "Naruto didn't mean any harm by what he said. Sometimes he doesn't use his head..."

An awkward silence settled between them, the weight of the situation heavy in the air.

She sighed and continued, "Tanzuna told us about your dad... Like you, Naruto grew up without a father. He's never known his parents, and he never had a single friend. The truth is, he has a rougher past than you..."

"Huh?" Inari was taken aback by this revelation.

"But I have never seen him cry or complain. He's always... trying his best for people to acknowledge him. For that dream, he's always risking his life to know what it means to be strong. Just like your father. Naruto may understand your feelings more than anyone else."

"What..." Inari gasped, his anger dissipating as he absorbed Karma's words.

"It seems to me he cannot be so concerned about you," Karma concluded, leaving Inari to his thoughts.

With that, Karma bid Inari farewell and headed to her shared room with Kakashi.

The next day, the group set out to the bridge, this time without Naruto, "Goodbye, please take care of Naruto!" Kakashi called out.



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