Chapter 9 - C rank mission.

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"Looks like you can't keep up. I thought you'd be a little more interesting than that." He's trying to make me mad, but it won't work on someone like me. He looked around the vicinity trying to find me, but I didn't come out of my hiding spot and he just walked away.

*Flashback Ends*

Hana's POV

"Is your stomach growling?" Kakashi said to the tied-up Naruto, me, Sasuke, and Sakura sat beside to watch. "I've concluded... that none of you are going back to the academy."

"Don't step on Sasuke-Kun like he's some sort of bug! Get off!" Sakura yelled at Kakashi, as I saw Sasuke start rushing towards him. I sat at the back of a tree watching, whilst they all began creating chaos.

"You're all unqualified to be ninjas! What did you think this whole thing was about?" Kakashi asked us.

"I-I was going to ask that question from the beginning anyway..." Sakura being her usual self said.

"Teamwork!" Kakashi yelled causing everyone to turn their heads towards me, as they all remembered that I had asked them to work with me instead of against me earlier on.

"Hana was the only one who understood the assignment and tried to work with you guys, but all you guys did was ignore her." Kakashi looked at me as well as everyone else. "Now, since you guys didn't successfully take the bells from me, you'll all have to work harder next time. Eat up your lunch! And don't think about getting any food Naruto. Do not feed him!" Kakashi told everyone, holding the bells in front of us all.

'Actually, I did pass because I got them,' I wrote, showing Kakashi the bells in my hands. He looked at me surprised.

"Wait- Since when?" He stuttered, looking at me in shock.

'When we were fighting I took the liberty to get closer to you and took them. The bells you're holding are fake.'

Just as soon as I showed him what I wrote, the bells he was holding turned back into three little flowers. "Very well done, Hana. Now come with me," He demanded as I followed him somewhere.


Kakashi's POV

She's quite intelligent for such a young girl. She can successfully think of an idea to fake the bells and swap them when I wasn't looking? I didn't even see her movements. Guy must have taught her well, to fool a guy like me.

Pulling Hana with me behind a tree, I pull out my book, reading it as I talked to her, my eyes glued to the page. "You know that you guys needed teamwork to finish this test. Why did you ask Sasuke first?" I asked as she began writing in her notebook.

'Because if I got him to agree, then Sakura would follow him and join us both. And the same with Naruto.'

Hm, strong and intelligent...

Nodding my head I turn my head back down to read my book. Lifting my head back up from reading, I see something in the corner of my eye, making me open my eyes in shock. "W-Why did you feed him?! You broke the rules, now you must face the consequences!" I shouted, running towards the culprit.

Making two fingers on both hands to make a cross, black clouds and thunder began to form around me. "Any last words?"

"Y-you said that working as a team would help us become better ninjas!" They began trembling with every word.

"Yeah, he's right! We're a team!" Sakura yelled at me.

"You all..." I began before the clouds around me got thicker and thicker. "Pass." I finished my sentence and they all looked at me with shocked expressions.

"W-we what?"

"You..." I paused abbreviating each word. "Pass."

Walking toward the stone, I continued my point. "In the shinobi world, those who broke the rules are scums. But those who abandoned their friend are far worse than any scum on this planet!"

I looked at Naruto and saw that he was crying. "Alright, you start your missions tomorrow. From now on, we are officially named Team 7!" I said to them. "You guys can head home now."

"Hey! Don't forget about me he-" Naruto paused. I looked back, seeing Hana cutting his ropes to let him free.

"Thanks, Hana-chan!" I heard Naruto shout to her. Hana nodded before following me home.


Hana's POV

"Sasuke. Point B"

"Sakura. Point C"

"Naruto. Point A! Dattebayo!"

"Hana, which point?" I let out a tiny sigh. "Oh right, you're muted."

"We found our target!"

"Are you sure it's the actual target?"

"Yes, Dattebay- Ouch!" Naruto yelled while trying to stop the cat. I ran over to it, picking the cat up and it purred in my grasp. Baka Cat did you really need me to pick you up, only for you to purr and be relaxed right after?

"T-thank you, Hana-chan," Naruto said whilst brushing the dirt off of him. I nodded to him before giving the cat to Kakashi.


Cleaning up Naruto's wounds, he complained to the Old Man Hokage. This healing process is so slow. If only I could use the healing jutsu Yasu taught me then it would've been healed by now. But I can't reveal anything about myself yet.

"Give them a mission then," Gramps said. "Give them a C-ranked mission."

"You will be protecting someone as they reach their destination."

"Who is it? A princess?!" Naruto yelled out getting excitedly. Just then, a drunken old man came in. I can smell the alcohol that reeked off of him. Oh, well of course I can smell alcohol, it's Tazuna.

"What is this? A bunch of kids?" He said looking at us, before staring at Naruto. "And that short kid over there with the idiotic face! Is he really a ninja?!"

"Which one of us are you talking about?" Naruto asked, delusionally thinking that he wasn't talking about him. We all stood there looking at each other. Well, Sasuke is the tallest one, probably because of his duckbutt wig! And I'm slightly shorter than him, Sakura was almost the same size as me. Naruto was the shortest one.

Naruto attacked Tazuna whilst Kakashi held him back. I zoned out thinking about the storyline all over again. Will I be able to save Zabuza and Haku?

I'm stuck in Naruto?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن