Chapter 1: Getting a Dragon Maid 1/2

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The camera pans down onto a guy waking up out of bed before walking out of his room to a room right next to his knocking on the door.

???: Kobayashi...It's time to get up...

Kobayashi: Alright... Thanks, Y/n

The guy now known as Y/n walks back to his room before wrapping his right and left arms in bandages to hide his dragon arms and grabbing his cast before placing his right arm in his cast and getting dressed.

Y/n: Another day.

Y/n walked out of his room fully dressed as he sees Kobayashi in her work outfit.

Kobayashi: Oh... You're ready?

Y/n: Yep! Let's go

They both head towards the door of their apartment as Y/n opened the door to be greeted by a green dragon at the door.

Y/n: I'm not seeing things right? You see this too?

Kobayashi: Yeah. 

A magic circle appeared in front of the dragon as it shrunk and turned into a girl with horns, a tail, and a maid outfit.

???: Tada!



???: Good morning, Miss Kobayashi and Master Y/n.

Y/n: Um Good Morning

???: Would it be alright if I came in?

Kobayashi: Uhh sure...come on in...

She moves aside to let the girl in as she walks but not before staring at Y/n a little bit.

Y/n: Another dragon here. Things are getting troublesome.


Kobayashi: So let me get this straight, Y/n and myself met you yesterday and offered to let you stay here?

Y/n: The one time I go drinking with you and Takiya. We end up doing something crazy.

Kobayashi: And your name is Tohru?

Tohru: Yes! All of that is true!

Y/n: Where did we meet you anyways?

Tohru: We wet in the mountains!

Y/n: The mountains?!

Tohru: It's true, Master Y/n! I'll never forget the words you said to me. How you said you would make me and Kobayashi completely submissive under you~ It was so lovely~

Hearing this caused Y/n and Kobayashi to completely red.

Y/n: H-Huh!? I said that?!

Kobayashi: I wouldn't mind if it is with Y/n.

Tohru: Please allow me to work here as your maid!

Kobayashi: Well we can't...

Tohru: Why wouldn't you be able to?

Kobayashi: I barely have any money while Y/n's job pays him well. Maids are expensive.

Tohru: I wouldn't need any pay!

Y/n: Money isn't our only problem.

Tohru: I can be useful!

She crawls on top of the table in front of Y/n and Kobayashi.

A Hidden Dragon and A Dragon MaidWhere stories live. Discover now