The Guy You kissed

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You came into your shared Home, you shared with your Best Friend, your smile was bigger than anything else. Your Bestie came in the Living Room and looked at you "And who made you this happy?" You couldnt stop it but you smirked "Thomas William Hiddleston and that last Night!" She started laughing "You really did it?!"

You nodded with a bright blush on your Cheeks "Yeah kinda, well it wasnt for really long, but it was beautiful and with freaking Tom Hiddleston?!" You squeaked from happiness. Your Bestie Chuckled "I see and now what will you do?" She asked in a soft, but happy Voice. She loved to see you so happy, she was happy that you started to forget your Ex, she hoped that Tom would show you that Men can also be nice and charming. She wanted you to be happy and she would risk her Life to make you happy.

The Moment she had asked you, your Cheeks went bright red "W-well h-he kinda asked me out" you rubbed your Neck nervously and chuckled softly. Your Bestie needed to smile, she also smirked a bit "That my dear Bestie means that not just you enjoyed the Night!" You looked at her and sighed, you were an over thinker and everyone knew that "Well I dont know, maybe he just asked, because I made Breakfast and he thought he would need to give something back.."

Your Bestie rolled her eyes "Listen if it was just for that, he would have said 'Yeah I pay you back for making Breakfast so maybe we could go and just eat something' okei so dont think like that, you dumbass!" She smirked at you and you sighed again "But like he is a damn Actor and I am just a normal Woman who has a normal Job and who isnt a Celebrity like Hayley Atwell or them..."

She chuckled "Yes and that makes you perfect for him, I mean he probably doesnt even like these famous Women which are chasing him!" You looked at her with wide Eyes "But what will people think? Yeah right they will think that I am just after his Money and Fame, what happens then? Right he will leave me, because he starts thinking the same way!"

She sighed loudly "We are talking about Tom god damn Hiddleston as much as we know him, he would never even let you go into the Spotlight, you know how much it damaged him!" You looked at her and nodded "Yeah you are right and even if he would like to put me in the Spotlight, I would never want too!"

She chuckled again "Thats the right Thinking so and now tell me more about the Night and the Date" she had an Evil Smirk on her Face. You sighed loudly "Well we had everything hand, mouth and yk what else and god damn he is huge! And he was so gentleman like even if he was drunk and I loved it, he was such a cutie in the Bedroom. I swear if I wouldnt have already loved him. I would have fallen that Night!" Your Bestie laughed "Seems like he cane make you really happy and that makes me happy, if he hurts you I hurt him understood!"

You were nodding immediately, knowing that she was telling the Truth. She had kicked your Ex somewhere where the Sun doesnt shine and he screamed like a Girl. She had filmed it for you and you still watched the small Video to laugh about him, he had hurted you and now you finally were on your way to get happy again..

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