prologue: moon

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Dis chapter dedicated to tomfeltonsimp22 who makes the BEST Harry Potter fanfics ever

My talons tapped the cave ground as I walked toward the arguing voices of Qibli and Winter and I sigh will they ever get along? but I know it would just get worse when they find out...

I hesitated but winter walked out and noticed me I gave him a forced smile he just glares and walks back to argue with Qibli and as I walk in Qibli's face lights up "hi moon" he says trying to keep his expression casual, I've let this carry on longer then I should of but what I'm supposed to do? "Are you alright moon?" Qibli says snout creased in worry "I-Im fine" I stammer Winter storms out obviously furious Qibli starts figeting, his sharp eyes darting around the room he takes a deep breathe suddenly really tense "we will always be friends no matter what right?" he blushed eyes on his talons, oh no not now of all times "I I love you Moon" he lifted his eyes to mine fear and questions seemed to cloud them how was I supposed to say this "I-" then I heard something from outside I left the room just to see a flurry of an icewing running away from this horrible mess with Qibli hot on his tail...

I'm new to this pls don't judge how bad it is and short I will make longer and bigger ones in future oh and cliffhanger >:)

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