"I can't forget the time that I have spent outside the emergency room. I can't forget the memory of that day when I saw you being held by those two people. I was feeling so helpless back then. Pete, I am not good at expressing my feelings for you but I want you to know that you are my life, my world."

"I cannot forget the time I had spent deciding what to do or what to not. I loved you but you were going to marry Ohm. All this while, when Ohm took you out on a date, my heart was broken into millions of pieces. Whenever, the topic of you and Ohm would come up, I had to stay strong trying my best to go through everything. But inside, I was crumbling...... slowly dying."

"When I realized my feelings for you, I was concerned whether you felt the same way for me or not. When I knew you too had feelings for me, I was concerned whether you would take a decision of cancelling your marriage with Ohm or not. When you finally told your parents that you don't want to marry Ohm, I was worried whether they will accept our relationship or not. And when everything was going fine, Ohm wanted you back."

"Pete, I have given my heart to you and it is the most fragile thing I ever had apart from you. Please, will you promise me that you'll never break it?" Ae's eyes were filled with tears as he continued to speak.

Pete couldn't stand seeing that sight and hugged Ae immediately. He now knew about everything Ae had been through all this time after his marriage was fixed with Ohm. He couldn't even think about how Ae had managed to stay strong in this whole situation. Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he held Ae tightly.

"I am not letting Ae go away from me. I love Ae so much that I don't want to stay away. I know I sometimes behave like a kid but I want Ae to be just mine. I want Ae to love only me." Pete spoke in between his sobs.

Ae sighed and then kissed Pete's forehead and smiled. He knew that Pete loved him equally; only thing was that he was really shy when it came to saying it out loud. They stayed on the couch cuddling the rest of the time. After sometime, Ping called them for lunch.

Ae and Pete arrived at the restaurant and saw everyone was already present. Luckily, Tar had already reserved two seats besides him for them and Ae was thankful for him. Pond was seated across the table throwing daggers at Ae.

Tar's gaze was dancing between Pond and Ae as he watched the silent war. Pond was playing with his knife and fork pretending to be ready for a fight. Ae too was giving him an equal response. Pete who was sitting beside Ae had to calm his young lover to avoid any further suspicion.

Pete slowly slid his hand under the table and placed it on Ae's thigh drawing his attention. Ae broke his gaze with Pond and looked at Pete confused. "Ae, stop it! You are going to draw everyone's attention towards us." Pete whispered.

Ae knew that Pete was right and diverted his attention to food. He kept himself busy with eating his lunch and feeding Pete. Pond was still watching him, suspiciously. Tar who was watching all this exchange had to somehow control his laughter.

After a while, Ping excused himself and signaled Ae to follow him. Ae soon followed him with an excuse of using restroom. When he arrived, he saw Ping was already talking to someone. Ping waved to him to come over and Ae walked towards the two.

Ping introduced him to the hotel manager who was here to help with the proposal. He asked Ae about what kind of place he preferred so that he could arrange it as per the choice. Ae narrated to him whatever ideas he had and the manager informed them that he would show them the right place.

After they were done talking, Ping and Ae walked back to where other's were seated only to find Can sitting next to Pete. They walked back towards them and Ae occupied a seat next to Can who was talking non-stop. "Can, please try to breathe!" Ae said looking at the speed at which he spoke.

"Ae, if I stop, I'll forget. Don't you dare talk in between. I am talking to Pete. Shiya!!! Now I forgot everything. Ae! Why did you interfere in between? I had to recall everything now. It's so much difficult to remember it again." Can continued with his blabbering. Ae sighed for having disturbed this machine.

He wondered how Pete managed to stay calm hearing everything. Can was speaking so fast that he couldn't even catch some of the words. Finally, Tar shoved a glass of orange juice towards Can trying to put an end to his talk.

Ae then took the opportunity to return to room since he had to go out with Ping again. He signaled Pete to follow him while he walked towards the elevator. Pete whispered something in Tar's ear and then followed Ae like an innocent kid.

After they returned to the room, Ae pulled Pete towards the couch. Pete sat with his back leaning against Ae's chest. He was playing with Ae's finger as Ae rested his chin on Pete's shoulder. He breathed in the sweet baby scent of his cute lover. It helped him calm down every time.

After spending some time together, Ae got call from Ping and he had to leave. Pete called Tar and waited for him to arrive.

There was a slight knock on the door and Pete walked towards it to welcome the guest. As he opened the door, he saw the cute guy standing in front with a beaming smile. "Finally, we got some time to gossip about our husbands. These other people are so boring." Tar spoke while entering the room.

He scanned the place and then his pupil widened realizing that it was a honeymoon suite. "Pete!! Don't tell me that Ping's friend booked this room for you in place of the normal ones. I mean this is truly amazing." Tar spoke a bit amazed.

"This was Ae's idea. Even I thought that Ping's friend just mistook the rooms." Pete replied. His cheeks were turning red as he remembered what had happened soon after they had entered the room.

"So, where's Ae?" Tar asked making himself comfortable on the couch. "Ping had called him to accompany him for some urgent work. He'll be back soon." Pete said.

Both the guys were lost in their talks while Ae and Ping were busy arranging everything for the evening. Ae had planned of proposing Pete in front of all his friends so he wanted to set up everything.

The hotel's manager guided them towards the open terrace where they usually held small functions. Ae scanned the place and it was perfect for the occasion. After finalizing everything, Ae and Ping went for shopping to buy some decorations.

They scanned various shops for buying flowers, lights, balloons and lot many stuff. Ae had also managed to sneak the stuff that he had bought while he went shopping before trip. They returned back and got busy decorating the place.

The hotel manager also asked some of the hotel stuff to assist Ae for the event. Firstly, they got the balloons ready and then begin with the other work. Ae had lot of things in his mind and he was putting all his efforts into making this day a memorable ones. He wanted to fulfill each and every dream of Pete.

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