cuddling naked

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The next day :

Since your mom pre planned everything you both reached Scottland in a private jet. It's dusk till you reached your hotel. Due to time zone you both didn't utter any words and went to sleep that night without having dinner.

Next morning you both woke up and got ready but you have no idea where to go.

Uhmmm... So where shall we go now?

You asked him. He was still a little shy thinking what couples would do on their honeymoon but only one thing was roaming in his mind. He scratched his nape and looked at you.

I don't know. I heard that there's a place where you can see the whole city view. You wanna go there?

You both reached at the location but your face turned pale looking at the place. To reach the view you have to cross a big valley and the option for that is through cable cars.

Jungkook noticed your state.

What happened?

I guess I'm fine here after all it's just a city view right I'm not interested to see that view

Nervousness was clearly visible in your voice.

Are you really not interested? Or is it because are you afraid of heights?

You scoffed at his words. You flipped your hair dramatically.

Fear? Me ? No way? I think you forgot that I'm a blck belt in taekwondo.

In cable car :

Oh lord please save me from this hell lord. If you save me from this trouble I promise I won't do any bad things. I won't steal chocolates from my brother's bag anymore. Save me god save me

You kept mumbling random things by closing your eyes tightly. Jungkook couldn't understand your words but he kept smiling at your cuteness and how you acted so brave few minutes ago.

Suddenly cable car stopped moving with a little jerk. Your fear came true, you started panicking.

Looks like someone's dream came true

Jungkook looked you. Reality hit you hard. You started screaming.



You kept banging the glass


Y/n calm down nothing will happen to us. Don't panic.

Jungkook tried to hold your hand but you kept wiggling.

Jungkook i don't want to die. I still didn't see anything, i didn't even have a boyfriend, oh wait I'm married I totally forget it. I don't want to die as a virgin

You kept crying like a baby. You left jungkook with no option. He grabbed your cheeks and kissed your lips to calm down. Your eyes wide opened by sudden kiss. It was not too deep and no tongue involved. It was more like a long peck.

He broke the kiss and kept telling you nice words in low voice.

Nothing gonna happen to you. I won't let anything happen. Look into my eyes. Trust me I'll protect you at any cost, okay.

You nodded your head. He buried your head on his chest and kept patting your back to soothe you. You soon relaxed because of jungkook.

Due to technical problem they told it will take atleast a whole night to repair the cable they noticed you both with the help of the wired phone that was attached to cable car.

jungkook keep soothing you that everything will be alright. You were afraid but because of jungkook you were feeling a lot better

It's been two hours you were still stuck in the cable car. Temperature was decreasing every hour and cold was increasing as your thick clothes not helping you either.

Jungkook looked at your trembling figure

Come closer

He scooted you near him and hugged you tightly. You hugged him back with the same pressure but it was only for few minutes warmth, you started trembling again. He left with no choice but.....

Y/n! Do you trust me?

You looked up to meet his worried eyes and nodded your head as a yes

Remove your clothes

You were looking dumbfounded

Trust me y/n, cuddling naked will give more warmth then cuddling with clothes on

You nodded your head up and down that he's correct

He didn't wait another second and started removing your clothes one by one

A blush crept on your cheeks thinking he would see you naked now for the first time
After he was done with your clothes he started undressing himself. At this rate your mind clouded with many thoughts. His tonned abs, tattooed arms. It's a big lie if you didn't feel anything different after seeing him totally naked

He blushed after coming to senses of what he was doing but he didn't have other choice you both have to be alive, he didn't find anything wrong with it

He wrapped his arms around you waist and as yours. Wrapping your legs around his waist and scooted more closer. Warm breath hitting each other neck he hide his face in the crook of your neck inhaling your sweet smell

You chest touching his tonned chest and you felt something hard down there. His manhood was standing proudly due to proximity between you both. Tingling sensation in both of your tummies driving you crazy to taste him. His heart beat was increasing with his breath. Whole cable car filled with hot air making the situation more intense

After few minutes the cable car started moving. You both broke the hug

He was still in daze and whispered in your ear with his husky and deep voice

Wear your clothes, I don't want anyone to see what belongs to me

You were Dumbfounded, it sounded more like confession but you didn't dare to ask what does he mean

The staff apologized you both for not checking the condition of cable. You kept hugging jungkook from side.

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