wedding day

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Finally it's happening. Your wedding.

Here you are, infront of the mirror looking beautiful. You wore wedding gown which is so long and elegant with perfectly done makeup and hair. Looking at yourself wondering whether it's really you. You were nervous at the same time

 You were nervous at the same time

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Your brother eun woo called you

Eun woo ah

You look beautiful noona (elder sister)

You smiled after hearing him calling you noona

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You smiled after hearing him calling you noona. It was the first time he called you noona instead of your name

What's up with you eun woo. Are you feeling ill? What's with your sudden change

You teased him but panicked when you saw tears brimming in his eyes

Are you crying? Aren't you happy for your sister marriage

You took his hand caressing it slowly you said while looking into his eyes

Do you remember why you used to tease me that I'm not your real sister, our parents found me in garbage. Well seems like it's the truth after all. They really found me in garbage

He took you by surprise when he hugged you tightly and started sobbing loudly

I never meant all those words noona. I love you more than anyone
I'm sorry noona. You are my sister no matter what

He cried harder making his nose red as cherry while looking cute.

You looked up at the ceiling to stop your tears from falling because it'll only ruin your makeup

Noona if he ever bothers you don't forget to tell me. I'll break his bones for hurting my noona

You chuckled at his cuteness. You cupped his cheeks

Aigooo my brother is grown up already

You squeezed his cheeks more

Y/n I'm not a kid

He slapped your hands to remove from his cheeks

Aigo where is my super cute and lovely brother gone now

You teased him more

Noona you clearly know how to kill someone's mood

He said sniffling his runny nose

You both laughed and embraced each other again

You guys done with your sweet talk. We've to go now

Your dad and biological father came to you. They're also bit emotional seeing their daughter beautifully in a wedding dress

You were walking one aisle with your both father's holding your hand. You saw so many guests and your family members looking at you while admiring you.

You looked at jungkook who was looking stunning with black suit and blonde hair. In the first time in your life you felt butterflies in your stomach seeing him looking etheral

All your nervousness vanished when he hold your hand you don't know why you were feeling this but you were feeling secured and protected in presence of him

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

All your nervousness vanished when he hold your hand you don't know why you were feeling this but you were feeling secured and protected in presence of him

After rituals and vows

You may kiss the bride now

Priest said and everyone was cheering for you both. Jungkook looked into your eyes, he leaned closer and whispered in your ear which sent shiver down your spine

You are looking so beautiful

His lips finally met yours sending butterflies all over your stomach. You gave in for kiss. You felt like he spelled some magic which you couldn't stop. You didn't realize that you were kissing him so passionately
You both pulled away from the kiss.

You turned your head to hide your blushing cheeks and too embarrassed to look into his eyes. Jungkook chuckled seeing bold y/n being shy

After wedding you both greeted all guests and his friend jimin. Jimin told you that remaining members of his friends couldn't come due to some personal works

The whole time you didn't miss jungkook giving you glances from time to time

Your mother (biological) called you both and gave you a small gift pack

You looked at your family who nodded their head indicating to open the gift. You opened the gift and there was a key which seems like a house key. You looked at them with confusion

This is your new house keys, you both are going to stay there


They all flinched because of your sudden screaming. You quickly realized what you just did

I mean, i thought jungkook and i will both stay with you after marriage. There's no need for this new house, right jungkook!

You looked at jungkook hoping he would cover up and reject this new house plan but he went silent whole time. His cold face is hard to read. Your family members laughed by your words

Y/n we can't invade privacy of newly married couple

Your mother said (biological). Your father (b) continued

But you can visit us anytime whenever you want dear

You can't even explain them anything

Oh god how can i survive even one day with him

You looked at jungkook whose expression changed completely with cold face after hearing new house thing

What i dragged myself into

You thought while looking at him

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