"I'm an idiot, because I was insecure and didn't make it obvious enough how much I want you to be mine, how I've been yours ever since I first saw you on that stage. I didn't even know we were having a new opening act, I was too caught up in my own self pity to care, but as soon as I saw you, I was wrapped around your finger."

Heat rushes to me cheeks, my skin most likely bright red by now. I don't know what to say. How could he want me?

I feel his hands reach up to feel my hot cheeks, his rough skin connecting with my face.
"So pretty" he smiles leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"You're drunk" I giggle trying to change the subject.

"I may be drunk, but drunk words are sober thoughts" he grins, proud of himself for putting together that sentence. His silly grin makes me giggle.

"You're an idiot" I laugh nuzzling my head into his neck.

"Yeah your idiot though, sucks to suck" he smiles insulting himself at the same time as trying to insult me. He joins in on my laughter at his stupid teasing of me.

"Come on, my new tour bus is ready tonight, wanna go and see it?" I ask leaning out of his neck.

"Why did you have to leave our tour bus" he whines picking me up in his arms as he gets off the leather couch.

"Because, it was over crowded. Plus now I have my own tour bus, I get a big bed in the back and don't have to squeeze into the bunks" I smile as he holds me tightly in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist.

His eyes light up as soon as I mention a big bed.
"Maybe this new tour bus thing isn't too big of loss" he bums as he holds me close.

"Put me down" I whine, struggling to get out of his arms as he starts walking out of the arena, his hands resting on my bum as he carry's me in his arms.

"Why? I can't cuddle my girlfriend?" He says still slightly inebriated.

"Girlfriend?" I ask as my throat goes dry.

"Yep" he hums, "I am yours and you are mine."

"I don't remember agreeing to this" I tease.

He whines as he walks and holds me close, before he can say anything we reach the tour bus. I finally get myself out of his grip and open the door to the bus.

The bus is cosy with warm lighting and plush seating. I start walking around exploring the bus, but when I turn around Luke is no longer behind me.

"Luke?" I call

"In here" he grumbles, his words muffled by something.

I follow the sound to the back of the bus, finding him cuddled up in the blankets of the king sized bed at the buses rear.

I climb onto the bed, straddling his lap as he lays with his curls spread through the white sheets.

"Please be my girlfriend" he says out of the blue, his eyes connect with my green ones. He looks desperate, which makes my heart swell.

"Okay" I whisper, my cheeks reddening even more.

The air is knocked out of me as he turns me around so I am underneath him.

"Good" he smiles burying his head in my neck.
"I am the only one you're allowed to be with" he reassures himself making a wide grin spread to my face.

"Is that so?" I laugh, stroking my fingers through his curly hair.

"Yes, I think if I saw you with another man I may kill him" he says as he gives small kisses to my neck.

"What if I saw you with another girl?" I question.

"That would never happen. I didn't even know I was interested in romance again until I saw your cute little face on that stage" he says leaning back to connect his eyes with mine.


"Yep, I've been yours since before I even knew your name." He says before leaning down to connect his lips with mine.

His lips move slowly against mine, passionately marking me with his touch. He pulls back, me puffing as I'm out of breath.

"I'm not used to being kissed like this" I puff.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, it's just different"

"Good different?"

"Very good different"

A smug smirk stretches across his face, happy with his affect on me.

"You know what I'm not used to?" He asks


"Being able to call a very pretty, cute, sexy girl my girlfriend"

"She must be pretty lucky"

"No, I'm the lucky one."

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