11. Bang Chan • Lean on

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Description: Bang Chan as that workaholic friend that you love but can't hell to worry about
Word counts: ~2650 words
A/n: It's another Bang Chan one shot! I guess he really inspired me on many things.

Description: Bang Chan as that workaholic friend that you love but can't hell to worry aboutGenre: Word counts: ~2650 wordsA/n: It's another Bang Chan one shot! I guess he really inspired me on many things

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The air is getting heavier by each ticking passed. It is raining, not the one with thunderstorms or anything but not the type to be taken lightly as well. It's getting colder yet that one man still working as he don't know the existence of the word sleeps.

With the door slightly opened, passerby can definitely hear what he is currently doing—and maybe they could listen to his frustrations tonight.

It's been 30 minutes with me standing in front of the door being reluctant to tell him to maybe just call in the night. The kids have been telling me to persuade Chan to take a break as they are too worried with the oldest health. For me, human have limits and it's good to acknowledge them, but Bang Chan doesn't think that way. He don't want to embrace the limit of mortals.

What is he? A god? The rage suddenly filled me in, forming a temporary anger that almost made me went in to his room and shut his laptop right away.

I sighed, maybe the best thing just to let him be, for now at least. I dragged my feet to break room to maybe catch several hours of sleep before I find Bang Chan finished with his works.

It's been like this. His perfectionist side. His competitive side. His insecurities. It's all jumbled in that wonderful mind of him, forming so many doors that leads to endless maze of memories and thoughts. If you dared to walk there, you won't be able to go out—for maybe ever.

He is ALMOST perfect.

For these last 2 months, every morning, he doesn't sleep a wink yet still went to practice as their Japan Comeback are coming in 3 months while Korean Comeback is in 1 month. Singing and dancing till late too. Don't want to disappoint other members he said. Then meetings with different producers to talk about tracks comes in the afternoon. When night falls, he went on continuing his work on the whatever he had to do. Notice the additional Copyright on his name? Yep he started to expand as sounds engineer as well. Notice the weight loss too? Yet as he too busy to eat.

As if we are only talking about work. He also that nosy person that like to help with other members problem. He all ears and always ready when needed. Whether it's about friendship, love, and family, he'll be there, covering for the members. Don't forget how protective he is to the kids that he'd gladly take any blame if ever things happen—remember when Han and Hyunjin make such ruckus before, it's always goint to be Chan's fault and he won't tolerate when people blame the kids. He also like to spoil the kids with new home appliances, have you heard the new oven at the dorm? Yeah that's Chan's doing.

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