2003- January

24 3 1

new years was her least favorite holiday. it also happened to be her birthday. 

it marked another year she was here. another year had passed, and she was still stuck. 

she pulled glass out of her skin. she didn't wince anymore when she did. it slid out unwillingly, like it knew that it belonged there. it rubbed against her skin. it opened the cut more.  it didn't hurt. not anymore.

she had a new dress. new year, new dress. it was white this time. the glass blended in with the flared sleeves perfectly. it looked like a choice. it hadn't been a choice. 

she decided she didn't like white either. 

she gave up on removing the glass. it would come back anyways. she leaned on the windowsill and looked up at the night sky. the stars shone down on her. they were white. they looked like small shards of glass in the sky.

she pushed up the sleeve of her dress and held her arm up next to the window. her arm looked like the night sky, glowing with stars.

she shut the window.  

NemiahOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz