Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

"It seems so," Claude said but sounded distracted.

"I don't want that anyway," Felix said. "Controlling people against their will doesn't sit right with me."

Claude's jaw clenched and I reached for his hand, squeezing it. Part of me agreed with Felix, but it wasn't like Claude didn't use the Sway whenever he wanted. Although there were a few instances I could think of where he used it on me that he didn't necessarily have to... but it also wasn't like it was uncalled for. It was natural he didn't trust me at first. I'd never seen him use it needlessly on anyone else, besides Kaz that one time.

"No one caught on, right?" Kaz asked, switching his position so he was at Claude's side instead of Felix's.

"No, we made sure of that," Claude responded. "I said Felix came with me as a guard."

Felix put a hand to his heart dramatically. "It was such an honor."

"What would happen if anyone found out?" I asked.

"There'd be a good chance Claude would lose the throne," Adora said cheerfully. Then she paused. "Wow. I didn't mean to sound so happy saying that. I'm just enjoying our time together like this."

I grinned at her. "I like being together like this, too."

I had to admit it was a little odd. Felix stuck out in our little group. But I liked having all my friends together. If things kept up this way, maybe Felix would be completed accepted by everyone. Felix deserved to have friends. I wanted him to become close with the others, to find the same comfort in them that I did.

"But anyway, it's true the Sway only gets passed down to one member of the royal family, but Sway or not, the right to the throne is always the oldest of the immediate royal family," Adora continued. "And if all the heirs in the immediate family are eliminated then the crown goes to the oldest in the extended family."

"And the Sway, too?"

"No, because then Felix would have inherited it after my father died," Claude said. "Or my mother. Neither of who did."

I glanced at him and then quickly looked away when our eyes met. "Oh, right."

"I'm curious though. If you did die, would I inherit it?" Felix wondered out loud.

Claude didn't seem bothered by Felix's attempt at baiting him. "You'll never find out because I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

Felix lifted a shoulder and dropped it. "Not many people plan on their deaths. Especially those who sound overconfident, like you do. You might get yourself killed. Not that I would mind that much. After all, I could just take your position now—"

"Shut up. Right now," Kaz snapped suddenly, stepping in front of me and Claude to glare at Felix.

Startled, I stopped walking, pulling Claude to a halt beside me. Felix waved Kaz off, not affected by Kaz's sharp tone. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put such terrible ideas in that pretty little head of yours. I'm just teasing, anyway. You're a sensitive guy, aren't you? I should have realized that last night."

Kaz's eyes narrowed even further and I really believed for a moment that he might whip out a dagger and stab Felix. "I hate you."

"You know what they say— hate is only a form of love that hasn't found a way to express itself logically. Don't worry Your Fussiness, you'll love me soon," Felix responded, grinning at Kaz in a way that showed off his fangs.

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