A Good Day

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It's been a few weeks since the war between our parents. I tasked a few vampires to investigate the palace. I happened to look over and see Static and Noah laughing and whispering to each other. I stood to my feet and walked over.

"And what are you both whispering about?"

"Oh, nothing brother, just a surprise for you on your birthday, since it is only a week away."

"I'm very aware of when my birthday is. But I'd like to know my surprise."

"Oh no, you can't know." Noah chuckled. I looked at Bunny and saw her smiling.

"Must be a good surprise then eh?"

"You bet it is Hubby. I think you'll love it." She had so much confidence. I smiled and patted her head. They both started chuckling.

"What is so funny?"

"Look behind you," Noah said while giggling. I looked behind me and saw a tail made of sticky notes. I looked at both of them to see them rolling on the floor. I started chuckling.

"You never changed Noah," I said while laughing. Noah looked and I and Bunny laughed harder. She thought it was hilarious because of what I said. It was true though. But I knew that I was next.

"Ya wanna know what I did to Noah's cereal?"

"What did you do?"

"I put super glue on the bottom of the bowl so he couldn't lift it off the counter," I said before busting out laughing. Static laughed harder but stopped. I looked at her and she had a weird smile plastered on her face. She's planning. Noah didn't know it but Static was planning something big for us. I'm not sure what it was, but it was something big. That's when we heard the grandfather clock chime.


"Sure darling, we can have some tea in the garden. Make some cookies, nice tea, some sugar, and cream. Maybe even some muffins?" Noah looked at me. I smiled and nodded my head yes. It sounded like a grand idea.

"Maybe we should take her to our home realm? Get some nice clothes." I suggested. Static's eyes lit up a fire. I could tell she wanted to go. Noah smiled and agreed. We scheduled it to be in May.

Love BitesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora