The Examination

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"So now my dear, what has gotten you so sick?"

"I'm not sure, all we did was have sex and then I started to feel sick, so Ethan told me to take a nap and when I woke up, I felt a tiny bit better. But I'm still not feeling good."

"Interesting, how have you been feeling lately, like, how has your mood and the activities you do make you feel?"

"I guess I've been scared because everywhere I go, when I'm alone, I feel eyes watching me." I looked at him only to see that he had fear written on his face. I was very confused. He then looked at me with a lot of fear and worry.

"Sweetheart, you're in a lot of danger. I used to have eight brothers. But one went crazy, he's been on your trail since you came here. You are in a lot of danger. As for how you're feeling, it's just that you stressed about my bro-" he was cut off by a loud crash. He picked me up and put me in a box and closed it. That's when the tall and dark wolf came in.


"What are you talking about, who's she?"

"Don't you fucking lie to me! I can smell her in here!" the darker wolf swiped at Noah. He hit the ground hard, out cold. The box top was ripped open. The dark wolf grabbed me by the shirt collar of my shirt and ran off with me. I started crying, thinking that I'm gonna lose my life or never see Ethan again.

"Shut up slut! Your mine now!"
"No! I'm Ethan!"

"Not anymore. You're my mate now. You are going to bear my pups! They will grow old and we will mate again and again! Until I have an army and attack Ethan!" He shouted. I started shaking. He started jumping and climbing up a mountain. He then dropped me on the ground. I tried to get up but he pinned me. 

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