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I was so tired. I couldn't even pick my head up. My eyes shifted up to see Ethan smiling at me. He placed his hand on my head and started petting my head. He put my head on the bed so he could face me by laying on his side. He then pulled me close to his chest.

"There we go Bunny, now Hubby can see you."

"Hubby? I don't feel good..." I whispered. He held me close and started petting my head.

"Don't worry Bunny, it's probably because we had a lot of fun earlier, you're probably just sleepy. Take a nap, and if you wake up still sick, I'll take you to Noah. He'll know what to do." he said as he kissed my head. I started to drift off hearing him hum a song. Once I fell fast asleep the cold body of Ethan remained in its spot. He never moved until I woke up. He didn't notice at first, so I decided to nibble on his chest.

"Well hello Bunny, sorry if I woke you."

"No, you're okay. I just now woke up."

"How do you feel?"

"I'm feeling a bit better."

"A bit?"

"Yea, I still don't feel right."

"Do you wanna go see Noah? Maybe he will give you a look over." he said in a concerned voice. I just nodded my head. He picked me up and carried me to Noah's place. Once we were at the door, Ethan knocked and shortly after Noah opened the door.

"Hey noah, Bunny's feeling a little under the weather right now and I was wondering if you can give her a look over."

"Sure, I can give her a look over. Come on in." he said as he stepped out of the way. Ethen stepped in and waited for Noah to lead the way. Once Noah was in front, he took us to a small room with a bed, chair and desk.

"Just lay her on the bed and you can go and get yourself a drink and chill. She's in good paws." he said to Ethan. Ethan nodded his head and kissed my head. He then left and the examination began.

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