Episode 14

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Jungkook's POV

I was so worried for Y/n I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible to let her break the barrier. « Even if it's me ! Don't try to save me! Go out of here and stop Y/n from using her power! » I avert again them staying behind the group to be the last one. I wanted to try something even if it means not getting out alive. I got some explosive weapons on me and I tried to put them all around the building while getting out. « JUNGKOOK WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU ! » Suga yells at me I turned around but someone catches me by strangling me. « GO ! RUN! » I yell at them « I-» Namjoon tried to help me « GOO! » I yell again

They start to run looking at me. I unlock the arm of the man and punch him the face. He was kind of strong and didn't fall but just step back a bit. He punches me in the stomach, I fell on the floor but couldn't stay vulnerable for to long so I stood up quickly. I got an advantage against him I was shorter than him. I discreetly took a knife from my pant and quickly kneeled and cut the back of his knees. He fall down but still tried to stand up and bit me. Now that he was weaver than me, I punch him to make him totally fall down. I remembered what my manager told us « kill them because they won't be able to attack us officially after that it would cost a diplomatic conflict. »... I took my knife and stuck it in his neck.

 I still got the control on the bombs so I start running out and press each buttons while I continue to run out. I finally arrived at the behind door.


Your POV

I was holding the barrier and trying to stay invisible for my safety. I suddenly heard some running noises. I turned around and saw the guys getting out « Y/n break the barrier! » they say looking for me, still invisible. I became visible and broke the barrier « How was it? Everyone is fine ? Wait... where is Jungkook ? » I ask not seeing him « well.... A guy catched him and he told us to go out no matter what... » they explain lowering their head.

 « I have to go help him! » I say opening the door but Namjoon grabs me by my waist « No you can't! You are too weak to do anything. » they told me « I don't care let me go » I say struggling « No ! Stop Y/n! he is gonna be alright. He can fight him » Namjoon comforts me . Just at this moment we heard explosion noises « OMG LET ME GO I HAVE TO-...» I yell crying. and at this moment Jungkook appears « OMG JUNGKOOK! » I say taking him in my arms « I'm fine.. » he whispers in my ear « Let's go before the rest explodes » he averts us

we arrive in the front of the building and saw our colleagues with some of the enemies.

  «Are you okay? Did you use too much energy? » Jungkook asks me « I'm fine don't worry » I smile to him. We went to the cars and saw our managers « You guys did a great job! You will for sure work together in the future » they smile « We caught the boss of the plan too. We will send him and the men still alive with some of our men and a sweet message. » they explain « thank god it's finally done... » I say sighing in relief. « Yes ! Now we are planning to reunited the 2 sections of spying to make them become one. » they continue

«Really? That's so cool! » Namjoon says « Yes! We will do a big reception to introduce everyone and to explain everything! » they say « Well I can't wait! We will finally be able to work normally with all the spies! » HOBI says « Yes totally right! » Jungkook says « Hoseok! You have to go to the nursery to get the injection for your power, a car is waiting for you. » the manager told him « oh okay...see you later guys! » he waves at us « How is Jin ? Is he getting better? » I ask the manager « Yes he get all his energy and strength. He got to be cautious for now but it's gonna be alright. » he explains « Such a relief » I smile widely

 A few weeks later

the reception for the spy reunion

« I'm happy to see you all here reunited. You might wonder who some of you are and why everyone is here. Well let me tell you, after a chaotic beginning mission, a group of spies for each of your unit had to work together despite their differences. You might now ask yourself 'but what was their differences?' Well this is why we are here today! Your differences was what separated you from each other UNTIL NOW, because you won't be anymore. Now come the moment to tell you the biggest secret of our state. The unknow side of spies of this country has particularities that are hidden everyday by them. Each of them have something special that make them unique, no one of them similar to another. They have magic power! They can be mermaid in the water, vampire, or just have their own super powers. From now on, you will have to collaborate for future missions. You will be grouped depending on your abilities for each missions. But most importantly, you will have to accept each other despite those differences. I think I have spoke enough. I will let you introduce yourself to each other. To help you with that I will let the group who protect our country because of their differences. » the minister of defense speech out   

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