Episode 8

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After the doc examination

« So... it's really weird but you didn't react like them. I mean it's like you've never been shot by them. Your body is still full of magic. » he concludes « Really? It means I won't lose my power? » I ask positively « I think so. But you still have to stay careful because it can maybe be a trick or something. » he advices me.

Back to the manager

« So guys I talked to the minister and the president and apparently false information were transferred to the random service of spying instead of only our. They hacked our services and to mess up everything. The thing is that we can't really say the true to our colleagues from the random spying department it could be a mess with the balance of our system. So you will have to continue the mission while dodging them. For now we can't do otherwise. » he explains us « The doc said I can't really lose my power but HOBI is still in danger... we have to be really careful. » I say 

Jungkook's POV

I was in shock, I started to love her. How can it be like that? I wanted to have answers to my questions. I decided to go see her and ask her myself.

I arrived to the cell and told the guard to open it for me, but when I enter there was nobody « Where are they?? » I ask « W-What do you mean? » he asks confused « There is nobody!!!! » I yell in frustration « but I didn't move from here and I didn't open the door even once! » he explains himself « what the fuck! » I yell again.

I went back upstairs « they are fuc**ng gone!!! » I yell « What? How? » David asks standing up « I don't know ! There is nobody! » I answer « I shot her she musts has lost her power! » he says in frustration « ooh really then why there is nobody in this f*****g cell!!??? » I ask yelling « I don't know! » he answers yelling too « okay! Everybody calm down! It won't bring them back to yell! » Joon says to shut us. « We have to go and search them if they really work for the enemy! » he continues.

 Your POV

« Okay HOBI! Before going back we have to think correctly of everything. I thought about something. When we were at the reception, the guy who shot Jin also shot me. And when we saw them earlier he was the only one to know about our power! Why would their chief say everything to a new officer instead of 2 almost 10 years officers it doesn't make sense... » I explain my thought to HOBI « ooh... you are right... Joon and Jungkook were surprise when he told them. This David guy is suspicious... » he says « what should we do? » I ask « hmmm... I think that we should try to approach him but staying hid you would have to read his minds ! » he proposes

« Not a bad idea! We have to know where they are but now that we know who they really are we can also know where they are and when! » I say « Right! Let's go! No waist of time! » HOBI says jumping from his seat.

We went to the computer to search their location. Every spy of the country has a accessory that represent him with a microchip inside to spot them. « It's look like they are still in their department. We have to analyze to surrounding places where we could hid. » HOBI says looking at the map « yes! Like a lot of bushes or an hold house... oooh look here it would be perfect and it's really near the building! » I say pointing it

 « okay then ! Perfect let's go! » he says grabbing my hand. I concentrate and we arrived at the bushes. « Okay we will sit here. Can you read anything? » HOBI asks me « give me a min. » I say trying to find him and concentrate « I think I have... Joon... David! Okay... hmmm 'I have to call the boss to tell him... about... they escaped... I have to bring... bring them back...' Aish! He is moving to much and talking at the same time! » I say in frustration « it's okay do your best! You got already a lot of informations. » he encourages me « okay okay 'I shot her... she should has lost her power.....I ..... I have to complete my mission.... He will kill me....I still have a good point.... They still... think they.... Are the enemy.... And I am .... Not' I can't read anymore » I say « It's okay! We told enough! » he answers caressing my back « we should go back before they spot us! » he averted me « oh yes sure! » I say grabbing his hand.

Jungkook's POV

« How are we supposed to find them now? » I ask trusfrated « they will try to continue to mess everything up. So we just have to follow this idea...what about going back to the place of the reception? They must have let something there.. » David proposes « I guess it's not a bad idea! » Joon says taking some equipment.

Author POV

« Guys go, I have to go take something in my room. » David says leaving them. « Hello boss! So Namjoon and Jungkook still think that the supernaturals spies are the enemy! ..... yes.... Ummm.... There is another problem.... The spies they escaped from their cell.... I know, don't worry I will find them! » he says to his boss on the phone « I promise boss! I would do my best... yes .... Thank you. » he hang up.

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