Episode 10

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Your POV

"So? Whar are we doing now? Oh we forgot to tell it to David!" Joon says standing up "No! Wait Joon! We have a bad feeling about him. We should keep it secret for now..." Hobi explains to him "Oh really? ...Why?" he asks "Well, Y/n used her power to identify what was happening in here and heard the minds of someone who obviously wasn't neither you or Jungkook so unless there were someone else aside David...." Hobi explains "Oooh I see.... it makes sense. So now that we are here.... Can you tell us what are your powers?" Jungkook asks "Well I guess you can know now. I mean you know we have power so ... umm... Hobi can run so fast that you can't see him and make people believe whatever he wants. Me, ... it's kind of difficult umm... I can do you whatever I want... I have the capacity to create any power as long as I concentrate.." i say embarrassed

 "Wow, umm.... That's so cool. I...." Joon says "If you have questions go on we don't mind!" Hobi says "We have a lot but we can't talk here, David could come anytime. Can you change your appearance and leave? We will meet you later to talk in calm." Jungkook says "Okay no problem! He won't even know that we were here. And we will talk to our manager to see if we can tell you or not." I say "Okay. See you guys." they say. I grab Hobi's wrist and I make us teleportin front of our manager's office. "It went pretty good! I think that we got a good point now!" Hobi says excitedly "I know right! Now we have to see if our manager agree to let us tell them that we actually work with them." I say "I hope so too!" he asnwers

We enter the office "You are back? Good! So how did it goes?" he asks us "Pretty good actually! But now we have another issue to handle: Can we tell them that we are working for a secret part of the spy department of this country?" Hobi says "Yes, about that. I talked to the president, the minister and the chief of the random department. We talked for a quite long time about it and we came to the conclusion that.... for the security of the country and after what happened, we should tell to every spy working for this country about the secret department. So you can tell them and we will do later on a big reunion with every one." he explains to us

"Really?! It's such a relief, it will make the mission easier and everything will be easier to handle now!" I say happy.

After a call we had a appointment with Joon and Jungkook.

"Hi! So now that we can finally talk at ease. What do you want to know?" Hobi asks sitting next to Joon "Okay umm I think that Jungkook and me have a similar question so, Did you guys use your power on us?" Joon asks puzzled "Never! We never thought about it!" I answer confidently "Wow, tht's really nice of you! Deep inside I always new you guys couldn't so such things. And ummm what are you? I mean you were at the reception, why?" Jungkook asks "Well, our manager allowed us to tell you and you will have a better explanation later but..."Hobi starts

"We are spies for the government. It coulb weird hearing this like that and you don't even know us or saw us in your department but it's normal. We are part of a special department of supernaturel spy for the government. We are hid from everybody and used as a secret weapons against any enemy. The only people aware of our existence are the president, the minister of defense, our chief department and yours." I finally explain "..." Joon and Koo were left numb, they didn't know what to do. "Are you okay?" we ask "Ummm... yes I guess, so that mean that we actually work for the same side. All this time since we met we were work for the same agency and we didn't know." Joon says trying to clear their minds

"Exactly! You sum up everything perfectly, so from now on we will work with you on this mission. But since we are still suspecting David, we will work undercover and I'll change our appearance. When we will stay as Johny and Rosy." I explain to them. "Okay! I think that everything is clear! But I still have 2 questions, why, when we caught you you didn't use your power to make us believe you and why do you still have your power after David shot you?" Jungkook asks " Well we didn't because we didn't have the time to and plus we wouldn't influence you in anyways" Hobi answers "And for my power, well our doctor said that in contrary as Yoongi and Jin I apparently have an unlimited source of power since I was born. Yoongi just lost his power but thy are working on it and Jin since he is a vampire, if they don't find a remedy soon his immortality will be gone forever...." i say sadly


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