Episode 12

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Author's POV

David found an excuse to leave the group and went to his boss. « Boss? I'm here. What do you need? » he asks « I know they still have power! We have to attack thembehind their back! That's why I ask you to come here, they won't know what we are planning! » his boss says in frustration « Y/n and Yoongi lost their power and Jin must be dead by now.... We will kidnapping Hoseok and ummm... who do you think is easier to get... Namjoon! While you will be out for the mission, distract them and bring them out and I will send you 2 men who will help you to get them here. » he orders him

Your POV

« Okay, so his boss must have made a plan, we have to be careful around him! » I avert the others « okay! »

after David came back

« Okay we must go to search more evidence about the enemy to prove their guilt.After talking to the manager, we learned that they maybe have a headquarter in the south of the city so we will go there. » Jungkook explains « we will have weapons to stay on our guards and be careful. » Namjoon continues.

at the hideout

« I think we should separate in groups, I could go with Johny and Namjoon. Jungkook, Rosy and Ted could go together. » David proposes. I look to everyone to send by minds my thought « Hobi still have his power so it's okay... » I ask them through the mind waiting for a facial reaction and they all nods.

We divided in 2 groups, and we tried to continued to keep an eye on them.All the thing about the headquarter in the south of the city was an excuse to mislead David.

Hobi's POV

we follow him innocently trying to keep the signal with the other group. The problem was that David was getting weird. We went further and further from the other group, I was about to use my power looking at Namjoon when suddenly David turned around and shot me (if you are wondering how he knew that Johny was Hoseok, reminder when they introduce themselves to David and he looked at his magic detector watch pointing him with it). Namjoon hold me before I fall down and 2 men came from nowhere taking us to a van.

 Your POV

« it's been a while since we can detect them, we should go check on them.. » I propose worried « okay let's go! » Jungkook says heading to them. We arrived in front of dumpster all messy like there were a fight here « What happened ? » Suga asks worried « wait give a minute » I say concentrating on the place. « I see.... David shot HOBI with his anti magic gun.... And 2 others guys took them to a van! » I explain « How did he know about HOBI? We hid it! » Suga says in frustration « he might have accessories to detect magic I don't see any other solution » Jungkook says

 Namjoon's POV

They sat us on chairs and they attached us on it. « HOBI? Are you okay? » I ask him « I guess... I feel dizzy but it's okay » he answers weakly « I'm sure the group is on his way to us. » I comfort him « I hope so.... » he says lowering his head

Your POV

We arrived at the destination where Joon and HOBI were locked up. « What do we do know ? » Suga asks all sitting on the floor next to the building « Don't you have a power making you see through walls or something? » Jungkook asks me « I can try I guess.. » I say looking up « there is no body here....it's look like they are at the first floor...Suga can you try to read minds? » I ask him

  «I think it's Namjoon.... he is praying for us to come soon... » he chuckles « YAAAAA SUGA don't mock him » I hit him on his chest « he must be worried and plus HOBI is maybe feeling sick after this shot! » I reprimand him. « Okay okay sorry... » he says. « okay how do we proceed? » Jungkook asks « I think I have an idea but we will need more help and I will use a lot of my power and I will have to hid during all the process to make it work.... » I start explaining

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