Chapter 1: The calm princess

Start from the beginning

"Now, I want you both to follow me to my mansion. Can you?" she said. "Umm...ok then..." Paimon is a little confused which she wants to answer.

That girl walks first to her mansion, but I and Paimon still don't know between follow her or just leave her.

" you want to go, Y/N?" Paimon asked. "Hmm...she seems a good girl. Even this mansion it's hers, I don't think she's a bad girl." I answered. "Alright, Paimon just gonna follow you then," she said.

We then enter her mansion. There is another guard that I can guess same as Hirotatsu, guarding the mansion.

"Good morning, Misses. Are you Miss Kamisato's guests?" he asked. "We are. Where is she?" Paimon answered.

"She's in her mansion. Just go to that main door and you will enter her mansion." the guard said while pointing his finger to the main door.

"Alright. Thank you, sir." I said. "Your very welcome" he answered then continue his guarding.

We enter her mansion then we see the elegant indoor welcoming us.

We enter her mansion then we see the elegant indoor welcoming us

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"Wow, so elegant

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"Wow, so elegant." Paimon wowed. "Yeah. But where is she?" I asked.

"I'm here. Sorry to waiting for me for too long." that must be her, the mansion's owner.

"Eh? But we're here not long from 1 second ago." Paimon said. "Oh, my apologies. Maybe I'm too busy so I can't focus on the situation," she said. "Please, take a sit."

I and Paimon go to where she instructed us. There she is, sitting on the Inazuma traditional seat with tea in front of her. I then sit in front of her, face to face. But Paimon just keeps floating.

"Good morning, everyone." she greeted. "Good morning too, Miss," I replied.

"My name is Kamisato Ayaka. But please, just call me, Ayaka." Ayaka said. "Ok then, Ayaka. My name is Y/N L/N. Very nice to meet you." I said. "Yes, and my name is Paimon. Very nice to meet you too." Paimon said.

"Same as me. You...kinda tense when I want you to come to my mansion, right?" she asked.

"Oh, how do you know?" Paimon asked back.

"I can see in your posture and your eyes. Don't be so tense like that, just relax. I call you to come here, just to know each other." she said.

" know each other, Ayaka?" I inquired while sipping the tea.

"Yes. I know you both from Kazuha, so that's why I want to meet you here," Ayaka said. "What? From Kazuha? But, we're not even meet yet." Paimon said.

"*Chuckles*, but I ever met you. When you go walk in Ritou yesterday, I've seen you when I'm in Hiiragi Estate doing my business." Ayaka with a sweet smile.

"Hiiragi Estate? Ooh! Paimon just ever sees from the in front of it. But, talking about Hiiragi Estate, what is that?" Paimon said.

"Hiiragi Estate also called Hiiragi Clan is a clan that serves Baal. They are the head of the Kanjou Commission. Their estate is situated on the Ritou peninsula of Narukami Island. It is uncertain when the clan was established, but it has been around for at least 500 years. 500 years ago, Hiiragi Hiroshi established the settlement in Ritou and impressed Baal." Ayaka told.

"Hiiragi Hiroshi? Baal? Ugh...Paimon getting dizzy with all of these names." Paimon said while grabbed her head.

"Lord Hiiragi Hiroshi was a historical figure who lived 500 years ago. He is known for miraculously building a prosperous trade center from a deserted island, now known as Ritou, and greatly impressing the Shogun." Ayaka told.

"Hiiragi Shinsuke is the head of the Hiiragi Clan and is the Kanjou Commissioner, and has a daughter, Hiiragi Chisato."

"Ooh, alright then. That's a great story!" Paimon said. "Yes, the history of Hiiragi always ringing back to people's minds," Ayaka said.

"So Baal is Raiden Shogun but...who is she supposed to be?" I asked.

Ayaka is just silent, doesn't answer but continues sipping her tea.

"She is...she is...the most important woman in Inazuma," Ayaka answered. "The most important woman in Inazuma? Really?" I asked again.

"Yes. Really." Ayaka said but I can feel that she's a little confused to answer my question before, what's going on?

After that, we have a little chit-chat together. Talking with Ayaka it's not that tense for me. She even introduces herself that she's some sort of like a princess that we don't have to be tense and always do respect to her. Even though...she's still so young for someone who does respect her.

After having chit-chat,

"Talking with Ayaka it's so fun! Just like talking with Amber!" Paimon said. "Yeah. Fun." I said.

Then I realize something.

"Baal...Raiden Shogun. Wait, why am I kinda confused with this one?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, that one. Yeah, Ayaka says that she's the most important woman in Inazuma. Why is that?" Paimon replied.

"I need to know more about her. You know our reason to go here to solve the mysteries and history, right?" I said.

"Yeah but, can we just explore again now? We're gonna talk about that later, just keep that one to our document." Paimon said.

"You're right. Fine, let's go explore again then." I said.

We go explore again from Kamisato Estate. Now we know what is Kamisato Estate and who is the owner.

But still...who is Baal or Raiden Shogun?

To be continued....

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