Chapter 40 Terrified Marquis Charles

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After Marquis Charles took Su Yi into Moon Pavilion, Marquis Charles looked at the guards on the first floor of Moon Pavilion and walked forward with a smile on his face.

100 Gold Coins appeared in his hand, he put them into the guard's arms, and whispered: "Brother, I will be troubling you to bring me to Pavilion Head of Moon Pavilion, I have important matters to discuss with the Pavilion Head."

The guard felt the number of Gold Coins that Charles had squeezed into his arms, and smiled slightly: "Okay, Marquis Charles. Since Marquis Charles has come this far, I believe Pavilion Head has the time to see you."

The guard finished speaking and walked to a higher floor of the Moon Pavilion.

Not long after, a beautiful woman appeared on the second floor of Moon Pavilion, the guard followed behind her.

This woman is very beautiful and has the appearance of a person in her late twenties and eyes that hold much wisdom. She is an extremely elegant person. graceful and luxurious, with beautiful and mature features.

Slowly walking down from the second floor of Moon Pavilion, and came to Charles and Su Yi. Her pretty eyes looked at Su Yi.

Then she looked at Charles and smiled slightly: "How can Marquis Charles have the time to come to my Moon Pavilion?"

Charles looked at the stunning woman in front of him and smiled slightly: "Pavilion Head, let's go up and talk."

Tang Yuehua looked at Charles in front of her, nodded after listening to his words, turned and slightly stretched out his hand to the defence line of the second-floor stairway, motioning Charles to follow her up to the second floor to talk.

Charles and Su Yi followed Tang Yuehua to the second floor of Moon Pavilion.

The guard behind Tang Yuehua opened the door for several people, and as Tang Yuehua entered it, Charles and Su Yi also entered the house.

The guard stood outside the door and closed the door.

"What does Marquis Charles want to say?"

Tang Yuehua looked at Charles, who was sitting opposite and asked gently.

When Charles heard Tang Yuehua's words, he knelt down in front of Tang Yuehua, with an expression of distress on his face.

Tang Yuehua, who was sitting opposite Charles, looked at Charles who suddenly knelt to her, and Moon Pavilion frowned slightly.

"Marquis Charles, what are you doing?"

Charles, who was kneeling in front of Moon Pavilion, heard Tang Yuehua's words, his eyes showed deep regret, and then tears flowed.

Weeping sadly, he cried: "I beg Pavilion Head to save my son."

Sitting beside Charles and watching his performance, Su Yi was as calm as a cucumber.

"Son?" On the contrary, it was Moon Pavilion Head who heard what Charles said, a trace of doubt appeared in her eyes.

This Marquis Charles, what tricks is he playing?

Just as Tang Yuehua looked suspiciously at Charles who was crying in front of her, Charles said sadly: "Pavilion Head, this is my son."

"Outsiders and the subordinates in my mansion only know that this is my nephew, in fact, this child is my illegitimate son."

"Because I was being promoted, I did not dare to take him back to the mansion. If I let those in the Noble Circle know that Marquis Charles married a poor woman, I will not be able to raise my head in the entire aristocratic circle."

"At that time, my way of promotion will be cut off."

"This child has always been taken care of by his mother since he was born. When he became 3 years old, my wife finally left the world because of hunger and disease, leaving him behind."

"In the past 2 years, this child has not lived any different than a beggar. He cannot eat enough and be full. Moreover, he doesn't even know if he can eat food tomorrow."

"When I found this kid, this...this kid was snatching trash from a wild dog."

"When I brought this kid back, this child has always had this strange-to-life personality, wary of anyone, trusting no one."

"In the past half a year, this kid did not call me father, let alone father, he didn't say a word to me!"

When he said this, Charles had already cried and almost fainted.

And Tang Yuehua, who was sitting there, listened to Charles's narration and watched Charles's eyes gradually showing deep disgust.

When she looked at Su Yi's eyes, she was stunned.

What kind of eyes are they? Seeing his father kneeling there crying regret, there was no trace of fluctuation in his eyes, they were so cold, indifferent, and calm, without a trace of waves.

How much does he hate this nasty man in front of him?

When Tang Yuehua looked at Su Yi in a daze, Su Yi, who was sitting next to Charles, knelt down beside him, Charles' face came to mind.

The man in front of her is not simple, it can even be said that he is terrifying.

Just after Chrysanthemum Douluo told him something about him, after coming here, he fabricated such a true and moving lie.

The reason why it is touching this guy's expression comes from his heart. As if he was his father.

Therefore, when the woman in front of him saw the true feelings revealed by Charles, a trace of disgust for Charles appeared in her eyes.

By now, the woman in front of him looked with a hint of heartache in her eyes.

"Pavilion Head, I know that I am not a qualified father, let alone a qualified husband, and not worthy of being a man. However, my child is innocent. I don't want him to suffer, I want him to become a nobleman. In the future, I want him to inherit all my property and live a good life. Even if this child does not recognize me and does not inherit my property, as long as he is well, I will die satisfied."

"I know that you hate me, but, Pavilion Head, the child is innocent, please, accept this child!"

As Charles spoke, he suddenly kowtowed to Tang Yuehua.

Every time his head hit the ground, he made a "Duang Duang!" sound.

After hitting his forehead onto the ground 3 times really hard, his forehead had begun to bleed.

For a while, Tang Yuehua was stunned by Charles's behaviour in front of her.

While she was stunned, Charles had knocked his head again for another 5.

Moreover, every hit is harder than before.


Tang Yuehua watched Charles's behaviour and shouted.

As if he hadn't heard it, Charles continued to kowtow frantically, like a demon.

"I said, okay!"

Tang Yuehua repeated, a circle appeared, Charles and Su Yi.

After Charles was enveloped in the circle's halo, he knelt on the ground in a daze and stopped his crazy behaviour. Blood ran down his forehead, slid down his face and dripped onto the stone slab on the ground.

Su Yi frowned slightly after being enveloped by this weird feeling again.

After the strange halo passed over him, Su Yi felt very relaxed, and he had never had such a peaceful moment in his heart.

Su Yi stared at Tang Yuehua, who stood up with a glowing circle and put a very dangerous label on her.

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