Chapter 52 I Changed My Mind!

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"It seems that you really hate me."

Su Yi looked at Yan who was standing next to Xie Yue, and said with a smile on his face.

The smile was full of softness and Yan, even his eyes looked at Yan without a trace of anger.

It seemed that Yan was not in the slightest looking at him fiercely.

He looked at him with a gaze, as soft as one would look at an old friend one hadn't seen for a long time.

However, just after Su Yi finished that sentence, he walked behind Bibi Dong and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, it was as if he had teleported several meters to appear in front of Yan.

It was unknown when a black dagger appeared in his hand, and the tip of the dagger was already on Yan's throat.

Looking carefully, the tip of the dagger was only 1 millimetre away from Yan's throat.

Just a few millimetres forward, the dagger would penetrate Yan's throat.

Yan felt the sharpness of the dagger at his throat, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

Cold sweat continued to flow down his forehead, looking at the 'smiling, graceful, gentle and elegant' Su Yi, who was standing in front of him, there was no hatred and murderous intent in Yan's eyes, there was just deep fear.

At the moment this guy disappeared, he wanted to summon his Martial Spirit.

It's a pity that the speed of this guy is actually faster than a 30-odd Rank Agility Attack System Spirit Elder.

He had not summoned his Martial Spirit when he had already appeared in front of him.

And Su Yi, who was standing in front of him with a smile, looked at Yan and smiled slightly: "Next time, I will kill you!"

Su Yi said and took the dagger back.

Seeing Su Yi retracting the dagger, Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and swallowed his saliva secretly.

The idea of ​​not being afraid of death in his mind had long been forgotten by him.

Live, it's better to live.

"Puff" and "Puff" sounded instantly as the two sharp weapons pierced into flesh.

After that, Su Yi's voice sounded like a devil to Yan.

"I changed my mind!" He saw that Su Yi's dagger that had been withdrawn from Yan's throat had pierced into Yan's right shoulder.

The black dagger blades that were 18 centimetres long, were submerged in him.

When Su Yi pierced his shoulder for the first time, he did not react.

When the daggers were all submerged in his shoulder, only then did Yan react and scream.

Because of the intense pain, he sweated bullets.

Su Yi heard Yan's screams, he smiled and looked at the pained Yan in front of him, and said softly: "If you continue to scream, maybe my hand will slip and your right arm might fall off!"

Yan heard Su Yi's soft words, looked at the smiling man in front of him, and closed his mouth because he already felt that the dagger that pierced his shoulder was already gently pushing downward.

The violent pain caused Yan pain, he trembled as pea sized drops of sweat continued to flow out.

Gritting his teeth, he stopped making a sound.

The seemingly elegant young man in front of him is actually a demon!

Su Yi looked at Yan who made no sound, and smiled at Yan, "That's right!"

"I hate others looking at me with that kind of eyes, especially you, you hold murderous intent towards me."

"If you weren't useful to Master, this dagger would have pierced your throat!"

Su Yi laughed. Looking at Yan, he slowly pulled out the dagger that had been pierced into his right shoulder.

The speed at which Su Yi pulled out the dagger was almost slower than the speed of the turtle.

And the expression on Yan's face followed Su Yi's pace of pulling out the dagger, the pain distorted his face, yet he still made no sound.

Su Yi smiled happily after pulling out the dagger and hearing no scream from Yan.

"Are you angry?"

"You are welcome to kill me!" Su Yi said, putting the blood-stained black dagger in his hand lightly on Yan's shoulder.

Using his clothes, he gently wiped the blood off the dagger, and then put the dagger away.

"Saint Child, this lowly person does not dare."

When Su Yi turned around, Yan looked at Su Yi's back with eyes full of fear, he knelt to Su Yi.

It was not until this moment that he understood how large the gap between him and the demon in front of him was.

The demon in front of him was simply not something he could contend with.

During this process, no matter the 2 Elders Ghost and Chrysanthemum or the Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, they all stood aside and watched, no one stood out to stop him.

No one stopped him or blamed him even now.

This matter, even if it was Nana, the Saint Maiden, Bibi Dong, the Supreme Pontiff, or the 2 Elders Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo.

Even if they didn't come out to stop him, at least they should have scolded him for what he did!

Yet until now, no one has come out to admonish him.

He didn't really know how high this man who was crowned by the Supreme Pontiff made an exception and became the first Saint Child in the history of Spirit Hall, how high his status in Spirit Hall is.

Even if he killed himself now, let alone someone who came out to stop him, there wouldn't be anyone who would blame him.

Thinking that he was so close to the Death God just now, Yan completely recognized the facts and knelt to Su Yi.

He completely surrendered and said: "Please forgive me, Saint Child!"

Yan now is afraid that he will not survive today.

After all, he held murderous intent against the man in front of him because of jealousy, judging from the man's status in Spirit Hall.

Whether he can survive or not is a question. When he thinks about this, Yan regrets everything, why he is so stupid.

Su Yi, who originally wanted to leave, heard Yan's words and turned to look at him with a smile: "Such a serious injury, if you don't go for treatment, your arm will be useless."

"I thank Lord Saint Child for his mercy and forgiveness!"

Yan listened to Su Yi's words, kowtowing hastily in thanks.

Su Yi didn't look at him again, but instead turned to Xie Yue who was standing beside Yan.

Xie Yue looked at Su Yi's smile and his legs softened. With a "puff", he knelt down to Su Yi.

He couldn't help but kowtow: "Subordinate Xie Yue, pays homage to Lord Saint Child."

"Why are you kneeling?"

Su Yi looked at Xie Yue who was kneeling. Before he could speak, Hu Liena ran directly in front of Xie Yue and dragged Xie Yue up.

She snapped: "He is your future brother in law, you are his brother-in-law, how can you kneel to him?!"

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