Chapter 41 Danger! Lesson 1: Laugh!

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Tang Yuehua released her Noble Circle Domain, the place very peaceful and quiet.

Su Yi, who was enveloped by the Noble Circle, felt that his heart had never been so warm, comfortable, and calm.

Terrifying woman, Tang Yuehua's ability is simply a natural nemesis to Su Yi's killing intent.

This mysterious energy will make an assassin gradually become relaxed and unable to mobilize a trace of killing intent.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

Tang Yuehua had raised 2 large warnings in Su Yi's heart, instantly raising her danger level of the woman in front of him by 3 or 4 levels, until he had raised her to the highest level.

Standing in front of Su Yi, since Tang Yuehua had released the Noble Circle Domain, she had become nobler.

After Tang Yuehua released the Noble Circle, she looked at Su Yi who was still sitting there with great heartache in her eyes.

She did not know what this little guy had experienced. Even after she released her Noble Circle, the eyes of this little guy were still full of coldness.

"You don't need to know, I will accept this child."

Tang Yuehua looked at Marquis Charles who was a little stunned and said lightly.

Marquis Charles, who was kneeling on the ground, heard Tang Yuehua's words, and his eyes were full of surprises. He looked at Tang Yuehua excitedly and thanked: "Thank you, Pavilion Head! Thank you, Pavilion Head!"

"Little guy, what is your name?"

Tang Yuehua asked softly, looking at Su Yi who was sitting there.

Su Yi heard the woman in front of him asking him, and had no desire to answer.

If possible, he will get rid of this dangerous woman in front of him.

Her ability is really terrifying.

Unfortunately, after she released the Noble Circle Domain, he knew that he could not kill this woman.

At that moment, he knew why his Master Bibi Dong had sent him here.

In this world, if the person who could really change Su Yi's Characters, it would be this woman in front of him.

When Charles, kneeling on the side, watched Tang Yuehua asking Su Yi for his name, Su Yi sat there without answering at all.

Kneeling on the ground, he hurriedly said: "Pavilion Head, this child is called Su Yi."

"Su Yi?"

"Yes, Pavilion Head, his name is Su Yi. Because his mother's surname is Su, he took his mother's surname. This child does not recognise me as his father." At this point, Charles's eyes once again showed deep regret.

"Okay, I see. Su Yi is from now on my personal disciple. I will slowly help him change his Character. Do you need to tell this child individually?"

"After all, he is my personal disciple. From now on, he will live in Moon Pavilion, where you are, when he wants to go back, I will let him go back."

Charles, kneeling beside Su Yi, heard Tang Yuehua's words, and his eyes were full of surprise...

He was really pleasantly surprised this time. He never expected that there would be such a windfall.

He thought that the Pavilion Head would never accept this child so easily.

Thinking of this, Charles once again bowed to Tang Yuehua: "Thank you, Pavilion Head, for taking in this miserable child."

After speaking, Charles raised his head and knelt to Su Yi's side, with regret and love and a deep sense of disapproval in his eyes. She: "My child, I'm sorry for being a poor father. From now on, study with Pavilion Head. You will not suffer anymore."

Saying this, Charles's nose was sour and his eyes turned red as his tears leaked out again.

As for Su Yi sitting in front of Charles, there was no trace of fluctuation in his eyes. Listening to Charles's words, he didn't answer either, looking at him coldly.

Charles looked at Su Yi's eyes full of cold and indifference, inwardly frowned at Su Yi's reaction.

"Okay, Pavilion Head, I have finished bidding farewell to this child. From now on, this child will be handed over to you. I will no longer be troubling you." He said he stood up and bowed to Tang Yuehua.

After bowing, Charles said: "I will not disturb you any further." After that, he turned and walked outside the door.

When Charles left, only Tang Yuehua and Su Yi were left in the room.

Tang Yuehua looked at Xiao Su Yi who was silent in front of her and kept looking at him with her eyes.

This child, if it weren't because of the cold breath radiating from his body and the coldness in his eyes, would be welcome in the aristocratic circle, though he would be loved by many little girls for his temperament.

Thinking of this, Tang Yuehua walked to Su Yi, trying to reach out and touch Su Yi's little head.

As a result, Su Yi turned around, stepped down from the chair, and walked away from Tang Yuehua's jade hand reaching him.

Tang Yuehua looked at Su Yi's eyes full of cold and alert, and couldn't help but smile: "Little guy, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Saying this, Tang Yuehua came to Su Yi again, wanting to stretch out her hand again, but then stopped after recalling Su Yi's reaction.

It seems that these things have to be done step by step.

She did not know what he had experienced to become like this.

"Since you have become my disciple, starting from today, I will teach you various etiquette, manners, and expressions as well as control of your emotions."

"A qualified noble must learn to control his expression and emotions."

"A noble who gets angry at every turn is a shame among the nobles. No matter who you face, you must be polite and gentle and show a kind smile to the other person. Only in this way can you make more friends in the aristocratic circle."

"When you have more and more contacts, more and more people are useful to you, and the help they can give you will become greater and greater."

Tang Yuehua stood in front of Su Yi and said, and Su Yi stood beside Tang Yuehua and listened quietly.

"First of all, your first class is smiling and laughing!"

Tang Yuehua said, showing a very polite and kind smile at Su Yi, and then said: "For example, this way!"

Tang Yuehua said and pointed her finger at her smile.

And Su Yi, who was standing in front of Tang Yuehua, stood there and looked at her plainly, without any expression on her face, let alone a smile.

"Now, it's your turn, little one!"

Tang Yuehua said here, looking at Su Yi with a smile.

Su Yi heard Tang Yuehua's words, still standing there, saying without expression: "No."


"It is easy!" Tang Yuehua said, squatting down in front of Su Yi, she stretched out her hands towards Su Yi's face.

Su Yi looked at the hand extended by Tang Yuehua and wanted to chop it off, but his reason told him that he should not do that.

Otherwise, how would he change?

Controlling his body's instincts, he unwillingly let Tang Yuehua's jade hand touch his face and play with it.

Tang Yuehua looked at Su Yi who was standing in front of her with a smile she had made him form and nodded, feeling quite satisfied with her handiwork.

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