10- Tea With A Side Of Blood

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Athanasia stood in front of Claude who sat quietly on top of his throne. But his eyes seemed to reach past her towards where she assumes her maid is positioned in front of the door. An awkward smile graced her small face being unable to make out the current temperament. Miranda and her father's relationship have always been odd and honestly, she didn't know what to make of it.

In a sense, they always have an air of what Athy suspects is sexual tension every time they are arguing. Well, she doesn't even know if what they do is considered arguing since they only throw really vulgar insults back-and-forth. She can only make out half of the insults because either Lilian or Felix be covering her ears while she tries to read their lips.

Feeling the clasp of a pair of palms blocking off her hearing she realized she was zoned out for too long and her father was at it again with Miranda.

She watched Claude's lips form the word 'low' afterward his lips momentarily paused then his lips moved again. But Athy wasn't sure what he was saying until it came down to the last word which she suspected was the word 'Cunt'.  Athanasia was never completely sure of what was being said. But if the man did say that Athy would applaud him for finally lengthening his insult vocabulary. Claude always seemed to say 'wench' 'bastard' 'damned' and sometimes 'bitch' when cursing. He 'had a very small vocabulary when it came down to swearing. Athanasia blames her father's spread of vocabulary on Miranda who seemed to know every swear there is. Which is very concerning for someone who used to be a noble. At least Miranda isn't as bad as an angry Adin who can make the most stone-hearted man cry with a single sentence.

Athanasia suddenly heard the sound of Miranda laughing that's able to bypass Felix's hands and reach her ears. Noticing this Felix's grip became firmer Athy looked back up at the blonde-haired male who seemed unaffected by her maid's laugh. He said something Athy wasn't able to make out. He leaned forward ready to get up while doing so Athanasia was certain she saw the edge of Claude's lips tilt up into what had to be a genuine smile before his expression went blank. It was different from his usual sarcastic smile or scrawl.

She never really understood the relationship between the two but they glowed brighter when in each other presence. And it seemed that Miranda just gave Claude more energy his tired look disappeared. Felix removed his hands as Claude walked towards her. Out of force of habit, her hand gripped onto the nearest person who she thought would be Miranda.

"What is it."

Looking at the robe she clutched onto she realized she accidentally gripped onto Claude's gown.

Her eyes widened in shock looking towards Miranda who gave her a bemused smile understanding her mistake. Miranda simply looked away not planning to interfere like she usually does. Then Athy looked to Felix who gave a closed eye smile.

"She wants to be picked up."

Athy stiffened that definitely isn't it, she has never been interested in being picked up by the men.

"Pick her up?"

"Yes, she does that a lot to me when her legs hurt from walking."

Felix swiftly explained realizing that nobody was planning on getting her out of this predicament Athy decided to deal with it herself.

"No, I just saw something on daddy's clothes."

She quickly explained but it was too late Claude's hand gripped the ribbon on her dress pulling her up. causing her to make a weird noise in shock. Watching as her feet get lifted from the ground. She was sure she heard Miranda chuckle as she dangled by her dress ribbon. Her face paled and she began wiggling.

"Hold still your heavy enough as it is."

Claude's eyebrows furrowed in confusion it began getting harder and harder for Athanasia to breathe.

"Your majest-"

Before Felix was able to say anything Miranda erupted into laughter gaining a perplexed look from Claude. She stepped forward.

"She doesn't weigh that much your just out of shape."

Miranda teased staring at his abbs. Athanasia wasn't sure if Miranda was basing Claude's strength off of the average person or her's. Because if she was basing Claude's strength off her's Athy was sure it didn't count she once saw Miranda carry a full-grown adult cow. She was helping out in the stables and the cow got injured then one thing lead to another. Even though the scene was hilarious Miranda's strength wasn't a joke, she didn't even break a sweat.

"Your just manly."

Claude retorted, Claude, knew full and well that Miranda's strength wasn't that of a normal human. He watched her lift his bed looking for something he lost. But even knowing that Athanasia watched the man fall into a dilemma.

"Your majest-."

Felix tried to interfere once again as Claude moved Athanasia up and down trying to judge his strength.

"You take her then."

Claude said throwing her into the maid's arms who flawlessly caught her holding her upright. Athy finally let out a huff in relief.

"You didn't hold her right, you held her like you were holding a dead body."

Miranda pointed out causing Claude to hum in acknowledgment.

"Hold her like this it helps her blood flow properly."

Miranda smiled lightly handing the curly-haired child back towards Claude who awkwardly grabbed her, Miranda lead his hands in the right position.


Felix finally let out a breath of relief.

The group made their way through the palace then through the garden stopping at a table filled with sweets and tea.

Once their conversation stretched towards the mention of Athanasia strength Miranda decided to pip in. After Claude heartlessly insulted Felix Miranda let out a soft laugh.

"You know I can always train her."

Miranda inquired standing behind Athy who paled. Miranda war strategists and becoming a ruler 101 lessons was hard enough. Athy wasn't even sure she wanted to find out what lesson 102 is like.

"Whilst having a guard it is imperative that she also learn how to protect herself I and Felix or you for that matter wouldn't be able to guard her forever."

Miranda pointed out causing Athy to think.

'That's right I never thought about becoming stronger I was just trying to get on Claude's good side if I'm able to protect myself even if Claude tries to kill me I'll have a backup plan.'

"That idea isn't bad."

Claude muttered and Felix shook his head in agreement. Athanasia felt her heart speed up. Miranda gave a questioning look before realization watched over her face right before Athanasia spat out blood that panted her hands red.

She glanced down at the liquid confused as blood dripped from her lips.


Athy looked up at Claude bewildered who eyes widen in shock.


She fell straight into Miranda's arms vision blacking.


That was the last word she heard being shouted from Felix.

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