No one knew about us and we felt that it was better like that, it was so much easier. I had hung out with Sarah a lot to not get any suspicions, and we kissed but did nothing more because she is still dedicated to this ‘no sex until marriage’ thing.

I knew Ashton still had an active sexlife with his girlfriend, but that didn’t mind me much because we never talked about it. All I knew was what he and I did, that was really all I cared about.

To know that Kelly had Ashton’s apartment to host a dinner for all her girl friends, meaning Sarah would obviously be there, was good because then me and Ashton would have my whole house to ourselves, without any girlfriends bugging.

 My mother was on some religious camp with the church she’s in, with kids and stuff for three more days. I didn’t really keep track about those things. But my mother wasn’t home so I had no religious mother to hide for right now.

My mother like Ashton though, she liked him very much. She had met him one day when he came over just to hang with Michael, Calum and I, and she thought he was a ‘young and well-mannered boy’ who she was happy I was friend with. I knew Ashton just suck up for my mom so she will like him so much, which obviously works, but I just roll my eyes at him.

Everything is going really good though, I’m happy and even though it’s with Ashton, that still infects on my relationship with Sarah. I’m happier there too, though it’s not she who is making me happier.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and my phone soon started to ring. I picked it up and answered.


Lucas!” a happy voice said.

“Michael!” I said, mimicking his tone.

Go outside your house, I’m picking you up to go to Charlie’s” Michael ordered. I scoffed but stood up from the couch and made my way over to the front door again. I opened it and there stood Michael parked on my driveway. He hung up the phone and rolled down the window.

“Are you coming or not?” he grinned. I shook my head but couldn’t help a grin form as I pulled on my shoes and walked out of the house. I locked the door and then sat down in the passenger seat in Michael’s car.

“What are we up for?” I asked as he started driving off.

“First we’ll pick up Calum, and then we’re going to Charlie’s. It was way too long ago since it was only us three” he said.

“No it wasn’t, it was like two days ago since”

“Two days is a long time okay, and we haven’t been on Charlie’s since we were there with Ashton like two weeks ago” I smirked at the memory because that was the first time I had given Ashton a blowjob and I felt proud of that.

“What’s with the sexhair?” Michael asked while glancing over to me a few seconds before putting his gaze back on the road.

“What do you mean?” I retorted, pulling down the small mirror that was in front of me in the car. I indeed had some sexhair, but not that bad. I ran my fingers through my hair and fixed my quiff a bit before folding up the mirror again.

“What have you done?” Michael teased and wiggled his eyebrows.

I looked at him and frowned, trying my best to lie so he wouldn’t understand that I got a hell of a good hand/blowjob just before this. “Nothing” I soon answered.

“Oh sorry there virgin boy”

“I’m not a virgin” I protested.

“Oh yeah right, I almost forgot about that!” he said and turned to grin at me. He patted me on my shoulder and added; “Good for you man”

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