The day of the mission

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Third person POV:
Kakashi was walking to the front gate when he heard a energetic voice shouting: "Kakashi my eternal rival!" It was Guy, Kakashi sighed: "leave me alone Guy I have a mission today"
Guy then shouted: "oh what youthful! Rival because you're going on a mission let's fight!" "Guy just... go away..." Kakashi said annoyed

Kakashi then arrived at the front gate, he was early, he's always early

Sadly enough Guy was still annoying him so he said annoyed: "okay Guy stop bothering me when I come back I'll fight you so just stop chasing and annoying me"

Guy then said: " yay! Okay rival good luck on your mission!" After he said that he ran away

Kakashi sighed in relief then grabbed a book out of his backpack
and began to read

After 5 minutes Minato arrived and short after that Rin also arrived Obito tho was late as always

"I made it!"
"Yeah while 30 minutes late"
"Shut up Bakashi!"
"You can't even be on time idiot and then tell me to shut up?"
"I swear Bakashi I'll-"

"Guys don't argue we still have a mission to complete" Minato interrupted them with an awkward smile

"Okay sensei" Obito and Kakashi replied "well then let's go" Minato said

"Hai!" The three said and they took of to deliver the scroll

After a while

"Minato-sensei I'm tired can we rest for a while?" Obito asked exhausted "well I guess we can rest a little I think since we've been going non stop for a while" Minato said while being a bit tired himself

"but sensei we have to*yawn*deliver the scroll" Kakashi said trying not to show that he's a bit tired too "It's okay Kakashi taking a rest is actually a good idea" Minato said with a smile

They stopped at a tree with a pretty large area to take a rest and set up the tents, after some time Obito and Rin fell asleep since it became pretty late and it's dark now

"I'll be the first one to watch" Kakashi said "no Kakashi you're not it's gonna be me" Minato then said quickly

"but sensei-"
"no buts Kakashi I'll be the first one" Minato interrupted
"Okay sensei..."

Minato then smiled while seeing his youngest student walking to the tent Obito and Kakashi shared


(That was chapter 2 guys I hope y'all are enjoying the story)

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