Splits | Story a day #34

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The street corner near the place where I grew up has seen some things. A few early morning burglaries, a few robberies and gangsters shot just to name a few, but those events are few and far in between. Maybe around 1-2 incidents per 5 years.

Well, yeah that assumption just made me feel a little old - but it's true. It's not such an unusual Filipino street corner all things considered. Just your run of the mill area where people funnel in and out of work and school, where street vendors converge selling their street food and streetwear and street vegetables. But at around ten thirty in the evening between the months of September to October, something weird happens. Some people come out of the corner only to end up at the other end of the street. I've seen stray dogs get cut in half just from walking, where the front half of their body gets separated from the other half ten feet apart. All of this achieved without a trail of blood in between them. 

How do I notice this? Well, someone sent me a note about it, and being a curious guy that I am I start watching the area at the designated time and place. I eagerly wait by the balcony of my second story patio, armed with my binoculars. Indeed, the weird occurrences happened during these times.

It was a good few years. I found a birds nest once separated in half, one was full of dove chicks while the other was filled with chickens. Why? How? I have no clue.

What scared me the most though, was seeing myself. And no, not a doppelganger, or some other supernatural stuff. I saw myself, and the funny thing is, I could remember exactly the moment when I came in. I was watching me do something I remembered doing just minutes ago. Weird! I know. When I come down to check out this version of myself he just vanishes, no where to be found.

It has happened twice before, but this time its a little different. I saw myself carrying an axe, which I decided to do one night when I was really freaked out of these other-me's who are also me. I figured, hell - there could only be one right? So I went to the hardware store and got myself a hatchet at the fire-prevention aisle and went inside my house to confront he impostor.

Well, the idiot thought he was tough. I knew all of the hiding spaces in my house. I found him on the closet scared out of his life. I chopped him up and disposed him. The idiot didn't even make a sound. After cleaning myself up I went and got a change of clothes before lighting a cigarette on the patio - when someone came into my house carrying an axe! And that person was me!

There's no time to ask any questions, and since I'm too afraid of jumping out of the building I'll lock myself up in the closet instead and wait until the impostor leaves my house.

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