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Hey!! this is my new book... ok so this whole book is dedicated to my dearest friend @JustNotEnough, she is my bestie and she deserves the best, she helps me through the hard times and i love her for that so thank you Ash LOVE YA.  btw she has amazing books so after reading mine can you then read her's thank you. :)

sooooooooooo!!!!!!! enjoy.

“Harry I have missed you so much”  I yelled hugging him tighter.

“Same here Lil, you are the only person I have been thinking of” I turned a bright red colour.

“Erm… He he thanks Harry”

“Oh erm no I didn’t mean it like that, I meant it in a friend kinda way” He said hesitantly. I pulled out of the hug and just looked him deep in the eyes.

“Ha yeah otherwise that would be awkward” I said scratching my head.

“yeah, ok then well I am back and I want to spend time with you now” I blushed again. Why does he do that to me? Grr!

“Ok then well I was going to watch a movie or go for a walk”

“Err I think I would like to err walk” I nodded and grabbed my wallet and we went off for a walk.

“So did you meet any one while you were gone?”

of course he does.

Oh shut up brain. Please say no please say no.

“Actually I did”

Told you so.


“But I broke up with her” yes! I mean oh no so sad.

“Oh really? Hmm why?” I asked acting all cool about it.

“Yeah, she was too clingy, and wanting to know where I was twenty four seven” Urg I hate people like that.

“Yeah? That’s bad, I hate people like that” he nodded slightly. “Well this just got awkward” he nodded again.

“Well do you want to have a coffee or something?” he suggested.

“Yeah sure thing”

We went into the coffee shop and ordered. We sat down and chatted.

“ok Lilly there is something that I ne…” Harry trailed off when he saw the coffee coming over.

“here are your coffee’s” the lady said placing down the coffee’s, a piece of paper slipped from one of her hands.

“Oh here you dropped this” Harry said passing the paper over to the lady.

“Oh no I insist you keep it” and with a wink she left.

“Well that was slightly disturbing” I said in disgust.

“Yeah I know she gave me her phone number.” Ew that’s creepy.

“Well are you going to add her in your contacts?” he shook his head.

“No cause I need to tell you something… Lilly I like you” I smiled widely.

“I like you too Harry” His smile faded.

“No I like you more than a friend Lilly, on holidays I realised how much I missed you”

“Oh but I do understand…

i would like to say a great big THANK YOU!! to @FF1DLUVERR for making my cover for this book. if any of you readers have any time please go and fan her and read all of her stories and vote for them and comment. thank you again <3

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