5 How happy she was...!

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*I and Dad brought her to the hospital...*

*Then no worries... you are with her...*

*Neerav... I can't be you...*

*You can... and you did... you admitted her to the hospital... please understand Arnav... what I'm going to do coming to the hospital? My phone charge is getting low... it will turn off soon. Please, drop her in GH... bye* He disconnected the call.

Arnav gritted his teeth annoying. Why the hell he wants to marry a girl if he couldn't even understand the basic responsibility of the relationship? His sight fell on Khushi who was lying on the bed lifelessly. Why does this girl face this tragic phase in her life? How happy she was...! How stress-free she had been...! Arnav felt bad for her.

Arnav leaned on the chair, closing his eyes.

Arnav never interacted with any of his family friends. He was so much into his studies at that time. He was hardly seen at the parties. His parents didn't insist to attend the parties as he would be sitting all alone at the corner of the party hall, without talking to anyone. So, they stopped forcing him to go to the parties. But

Arnav can't be attending his own family party. He was getting ready to go to London at that time. It was Arvind and Ratna's thirtieth wedding Anniversary. Arnav himself wanted to organize the party. He would do anything for his parents' happiness. So, he surprised them by arranging a party. They were surprised more when Arnav asked them to invite their friends. Yet, Arvind invited very limited friends.

The party started...

A set of children dragged everyone's attention including Arnav's. They were playing ANTAKSHARI so joyfully which made the party so live. The center of attraction of the game was Khushi Gupta. She was entertaining the children who were roaming and rushing here and there in the hall disturbing others. But no one could stop the children when the ICE CREAM was started distributing. A little girl gave an Ice cream to Khushi. Taking it from her with a smile, Khushi turned around and collide with Arnav. His NEW coat got spoilt by the ice cream which was in Khushi's hand. She was about to fall down, in no time, Arnav pulled her towards him, clutching her hand. Khushi's eyes became wider, seeing the spoilt coat of Arnav. She wiped the coat with her handkerchief, uttering,

*I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...*

*How many are sorry for one mistake? * Arnav asked.

*I didn't see you coming from behind me...*

*Of course, you couldn't have... because you don't have eyes on your back* he said seriously.

Khushi laughed.

*I'm sorry...*

*Thank you for spoiling this dress* Arnav said.

*Whaaat!* she asked unbelievably.

*I don't like this color you know...*

*But, it's a good color... I like this peacock green color very much...*


*By the way, I'm Khushi...* She extended her hand for a shake.

Arnav clutched her hand and shook.


*Are you Arnav...? * Khushi asked widening her eyes.

Arnav nodded yes.

*Are you Arvind uncle's elder son...? *

He nodded again.

*That means, you are the CEO of AR... *

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