Part 10: Tharn

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I know, I know, we're all waiting for this. I actually want to delay this a bit but let's not spoil the fun 😂

Tharn's POV.

Some things are always better unsaid and I know that. I sat on the side with Type by my side watching my kids interact with their classmates. My wife, I missed him, badly. I looked at our hands, I am holding his and he didn't shake my hands away.

"I'm sorry, Type" I said to him, mentally that is. I know no apology is enough to make up for my incompetence but I am working hard to make things right, slowly.

"Why are you staring at me?" He suddenly removed his hand from my hold, maybe he just realized it. He is still cute and awkward as ever.

"You're beautiful" I said and I know I got through him because I see him blushing for a bit.

"We're already past of the stage of flattery, don't you think?" He raised a brow.

"It's not a flattery, I am just stating a mere fact." I gave him my sweetest smile and he cringed at the sight, he is mad at me, I know and I understand it very well.

"Tsk" He turned to Alex who runs to him so his mother can wipe his sweat followed by Natasha who is waiting in line. They're actually not like this with me, they acted differently before, they were more mature with me but they want to be spoiled by their mother. "Quit staring or imma pluck those eyes out" He said not looking at me and I felt shiver run through my spine. Scary.

"Daddy, are you coming home with us?" Nat turned to me to asked. I took the liberty of taking the towel from Type to wipe my daughter's face.

"Not yet, honey. I will, soon" I answered but my daughter stared at me, her brother and their mom. They're looking at me with doubt and I can't say I don't know why because I clearly know the reason and I am at fault.

"Come home soon, daddy! We missed you" Natasha said and Type glares at me not to answer. He then moved closer to my ear and whispered.

"Don't keep promises with them that you can't keep" He then moved away like nothing happened and turn his attention back to the kids.

My phone rings and it's my manager who's cqlling me.

"Hello?" I answered the phone before I excused myself but Type just looked at me and nods.

"Tharn, you're trending with Type"

"Really?" I said trying to suppress the smile that is about to broke out of my face.

"You can check it out."

"Okay hold on first" I checked my Twitter and smiled, my picture with Type is all over the feed. Excellent. "Tight. Can you boost them?"

"Are you sure? Your woman here is is fuming and demanding for you. She's making a scene."

"My woman? She's making me laugh. She will have her time with me. Anyway, don't tell anyone about this yet, okay?" I said, I glanced to Type who seems to be looking at my direction too.

"Don't do dangerous things Tharn. Don't jump into fire, you'll danger yourself" He warned me but it's too late to back out now. I'm far enough to go back, I've done enough damage and taking responsibility isn't enough anymore.

"Thank you man but I'll do everything for my family" With that I hang the phone up and went back to sit beside Type but he just eyed me suspiciously but he didn't utter a word. The day went on and Type didn't talk to me until the event is over.


"I'll escort you home" I said to Type. I carried their things then walk them to the car.

"No need to bring us home, I drove here" He said.

"I have a driver, so I'll drive you home" He looked at me suspiciously again and raise a brow.

"What's your deal?" He asked me again.

You. I almost said, "I have none. Please? I have something to talk to you too" He looked at me from head to toe and then he walked to the passenger's seat while the kids are at the back. How many years was it the last time I drove for my family? I can no longer even remember. Whose fault was it? Mine.

The drive is silent but unexpectedly not awkward as I thought it will be. The kids keeps asking things and I just answer them to the best I can. Type is just silent and doesn't utter a word unless the kids will ask him.


"What do you want to talk?" He sits proudly in the sofa. I looked at the picture hanging and it's mine and Ice. The sight I always wanna tore whenever I see it and I am not sure why it's still up, Type should have taken it down but he didn't.

"Type... Give me a copy of the evidence" I said and his eyes widened.

"Why? So you can find a way for that bitch? Don't test my patience Tharn, I have very little for you now. I'm telling you, I'll do everything for that bitch to rot in jail and you can join her there for all I care" He voiced is a bit pitched and his eyes are burning with anger.

"No no no.. it's not that Type. Please trust me, just give me more time" I denied because that's the fact. I want to clarify everything, I want everything to come to light because harming my wife is one thing that I can never do in my entire life. I'd rather die and be hurt instead. I know but things are better close and at arms length. The closer the enemy, the better.

"TRUST YOU? Big word huh? You want me to trust you? Who do you think I am? A fool?" He snapped. Was I that untrustworthy? Maybe I am.

"Calm down please... I have a plan" I said calmly, I know I should match his anger because at the end of the day, it'll be my loss. Type is just as stubborn, him reacting this way, I have fully anticipated it.

"Does that plan of yours includes you being in jail? If yes, then I'll gladly give you the files." His eyes are digging holes right through me and I cannot blame him. I'll take all his anger, everything.

"Type please" I beg him but he is like a wall, everything just bounces back.

"No, I want to hear your reasons, Tharn. You betraying me one time is already hard for me, any more than that and I can no longer handle it. It's either you or I die, there's no in between" Type said, everything is he says is like a dagger stabbing straight through my heart and the wound just keeps getting deeper and deeper with no way to pull them. I'm drowning in misery but I have things to settle.

"Okay..." I gave him the detail of my plan and he is listening and at some point his facial expressions shows distrust, disbelief and anger but they change over time. "Just a little bit more, love. If you can't take me back then I'll make sure you're happy when I left"

Okay that's it for the update. Dissatisfied? Cliffhanger? 😂😂😂

I'm sorry, I'm working on the early stage of my thesis so I'm kinda busy.

How was it? 😂

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