It was working for awhile, too, my ignorance. But, it takes two to tango. My feelings and thoughts were just mine. I didn't expect that I would also have to deal with things I never intended to happen. They weren't in my script.

Life isn't a script. Life is improv. They don't teach improv in fairytales.


"So...what are we doing?" Damian asked as he pulled his pants back up. I turned around to see him buttoning up his shirt, hiding away the muscles he had from me. I was doing my own cleaning up too when I shrugged.

"I don't know." I turned around to face the broom closet door. We found out this place rarely saw any visitors, even from the janitor. It was a nice place to do what we were doing discretely seeing as I couldn't let Adrian know. We would mess around here after school while Adrian practiced, and I would get home right on time before he did to greet him.

"I mean, you're still hiding it. Aren't you?" Damian asked, getting up now to come close to me. I stared at him as he went to button the last button on my shirt that I was reaching for. I turned away again, making sure that he knew I wasn't letting him do this because I cared.

"Why shouldn't I hide it. Hide everything. I mean, cant really go to the school counselor and tell them that I'm having an affair on my brother." I walked to the other side of tight closet.

"Guess not," Damian said. He didn't move closer or anything. I could see he was respecting my emotions right now. "But, you can't say this is nothing."

"Why?" I looked at Damian, feeling rather defensive. He didn't like it when I tried to be tough on him, because he knew I was just pretending. He moved fast to me and I stepped back in surprise. I knocked over some bottles and I could smell the citrus aroma trying to hide the chemical smell of the cleaners. I moved my hands to my face expecting Damian to strike me. Instead, he moved my arms down and said something that floored me.

"I like you, Augustus. I hope you know that," Damian said, letting go of my wrist as soon as he finished. He stood there for a moment looking for an answer in my eyes. Or maybe even a verbal one. But I couldn't say anything, and I'm sure my face was stone cold from the shock.

Damian nodded then left the closet leaving me to feel more than just the lust we had for each other. It seemed like everything I planned in my mind came to the forefront, and I wasn't prepared for any of it. To me they just seemed like desires. I guess desires do come true.



"Something the matter, sweetie?" my mom said, pulling me back to the dinner we were having. My dad was working late, so it was just me, Adrian, and my mom at the table this evening. I looked towards Adrian to see if he was also questioning my rather quiet attitude, but he seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts, picking up a piece of chicken.

"Just school stuff." I gave a half-smile and shifted a bit.

"Is it classes? I hope you're still doing well. It's fine if you get a C once in awhile, sweetie," my mother said. I laughed at that awkward praise and shook my head.

"I'm still doing well. Going for all A's again." I tried to get back to my meal like we had somehow finished our conversation, but my mom looked at me to see if I would answer her question.

"Is it bullying? You know I won't say a thing if you beat them up." My mom joked.

"Nothing like that."

"Damian isn't bothering you, right?" My brother finally said something, but what he said scared me. I looked at him to see if he figured out something, sweat threatening to come out of me. His still half dazical look relaxed me a bit. I pressed though, seeing if he was asking because he knew or because he knew that Damian teased me.

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