so that Ottie can be the beast. I grabbed her rose and laid it by her then took pictures. Alex walked in

A - oh my fucking god look at my princess

He pulled his phone out and we both started taking pictures

Y - wait where's Ottie he's the beast


He came running in then I made him jump on the bed. I sat up Jazz againts a pillow on Sam's bed and Ottie sat next to her

Y - aww

I took a bunch more pictures

Y - ok lets go show everyone

A - I want to carry her

Y - fine

Alex picked her up then we walked outside with her. They all looked at us and gasped


S - she's so adorable

We sat her up on the couch and put pillows next to her so she won't fall. The girls took pictures of her then we all took our pictures. Me and Alex took pictures with Jazzlyn so that I could post them later. Diego turned on the speaker and blasted music while I took videos. We ate and danced but only the boys drank except for Alex. We had tons of fun and food. We made a little cake for Jazzlyn that she couldn't eat it was more for us but it was still cute. We started playing cards against humanity and Carlos won for no reason he just got lucky. We sat outside on the chairs talking and I was holding Jazzlyn

Y - do you think she's uncomfortable in this dress

L/S - yeah

De - I would be

I looked at Alex

A - I'll go change her into her onsie

Y - thank you baby

He took her then gave me a kiss and walked inside. I looked back at everyone and they were all staring at me

Y - *smiles* what

S - you guys are just so cute

Y - *rolls eyes*

De - yeah like to think I didn't ship y'all

L - and the way he takes care of both you and Jazz

Y - I know he's so sweet and such a good dad-

C - its disgusting my boy has gone soft

Di - I know like party Alex turned into boring Alex

De - he's not boring

S - he's just nice

Gi - no Alex used to be a player banging different hoes every week

L - its good that he changed now he won't get a fucking std

Ja - there's no fun in that the whole point is having the risk of getting an std it's like a game

S - thats not fun or a game

Di - yeah it is if he is just fucking y/n then he won't get an std

C - unless y/n is sleeping with other people

Di/Gi/Ja - true

Y - ok I'm not sleeping with other people

Ja - mmm we don't know that

S - uh yes we do y/n was never a hoe

They started arguing and it was getting annoying. It has been 6 minutes

Di - I'm pretty sure Alex misses his old times switching girls

Y - thats kinda rude

C - just stating facts

I laid my head back looking at the sky

A - you actually aren't stating facts

We all looked at Alex who was holding Jazzlyn in her Piglet onsie

A - I am very happy to be in a family with y/n because she is the funniest, most beautiful, sweet, amazing mom I've ever met

He came up to me and kissed me

A - and I love her so much I can't wait for the day we get married plus she can do way better in bed then any of those other hoes combined

He kissed me again

Y - I love you too baby

A - *smiles* also Jazzlyn is my whole heart I could never trade her for anything

Di - so you don't miss being a hoe

A - of course not

S - what did I tell you

A - and just making it clear y/n doesn't have STDs I would've probably know by now

Ja - whatever I want a cookie

Di - get me one too

S - just bring the whole box

Alex sat next to me then I took Jazz from him. We were out there until 5 in the morning and everyone was so tired. Jazzlyn had fallen asleep in my arms and it was very adorable. We went inside so I changed into my Winnie the Pooh onsie and Alex changed into his Eor one so that we can match. We took pictures in Sam's mirror then we went to the living room to lay down on the air mattress. I put Jazz in between me and Alex then we instantly fell asleep. I woke up to crying in my ear and obviously I sat up and got Jazz already knowing it was her. I rocked her and she eventually stopped

A - does she need anything

Y - I don't think so she just fell asleep and her diaper is fine

A - oh

Alex went back to sleep so I laid down with Jazz and fell asleep too. The next morning I felt my arms being moved and I opened my eyes then saw Devyn with Jazz

De - sorry I wanted to take her

Y - its fine can you feed her

De - of course

Y - thanks

De - your welcome

I hugged Alex


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