Chapter 8

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Nattie: My best friend is crying on my couch.

Nattie: I’ve got this end, you got yours?

Paige: Mine is pacing back and forth in my living room.

Paige: Sheamus is getting dizzy with her walking.

Paige: But yes I got my end. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Natalya placed her phone back in her living room table and then turned to her best friend. She was having a quiet night doing some late work, when all of a sudden her best friend walked in with puffy and teary eyes. ‘I fucked up’ was all she said before sitting down on her couch.

“What happened Charlie?” She asked softly, placing her arm around her bestie.

“I really fucked up.” The taller blonde said wiping away the tears “So you know how we saw Becky’s ex, right? and how I was angry she didn’t tell me?”

“Yes, I remember that.” Nattie nodded, already knowing where this was heading.

“Right? So I confronted about it, and she got angry and started saying all this shit I’ve been doing, unconsciously it seems, and it all went downhill from there.” She said grabbing one of the pillows in the couch to have something to with her hands. “So yeah it seems I unconsciously destroyed my relationship.”

“Why do you say that? What did Becky say to you?” Nattie asked quietly although she was sure what it was already having it heard from Paige who heard it from Becky herself.

“So I accused her of lying about her ex and she said I was overreacting which yes maybe I was, but Nattie she was engaged! and she didn’t tell me, I have a right to be mad about.”

“Ok, I’ll provide my feedback after you are done, keep going.”

Charlotte sighed. “She said that is seems like I don’t want to be with her, because I apparently pull away if she touches me for long periods of time in public, I don’t let her help me or take care of me,  and how I don’t include her anywhere in my life, and how I was making her feel like I didn’t want to be with her, and that’s not true Nattie!” She said sitting up straighter grabbing Nattie’s hand “I swear Nattie, I do want her, a lot.”

“I know, Charlie, I know.” Affirmed the blonde. She took a big breath before continuing.

“Ok so, first things first, I’m not saying you have no right to be mad about the whole engagement thing, but at the same are you? I mean aren’t you doing the same thing right now? granted you were not engaged but you haven’t told her about him and his name has come up.” Said Natalya, giving her friend a second to take in her words.

“Secondly, the part about your behavior sounds accurate.” She said with a wince.

“What?” Asked Charlotte confused,cleary taken aback.

“Well, you do pull away when she touches you and that’s something I’ve seen first hand, whenever the other girls are around you never bring her around, in fact I’m pretty sure they all thing Becky doesn’t exist and she’s just a fiction of your imagination.” She said with a shrug. “And whenever I go to Becky’s house you can see traces of you everywhere, your mug, your sweater… but if I go to your house… I see nothing.”

Charlotte continued playing with the pillow in her lap, her eyes down. Maybe Becky was right after all, she was pushing her away. But it had nothing to do with the redhead it was all Charlotte, because she loved Becky, she knew that, but there was a reason she was pulling back.

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