Chapter 7

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When the people we thought we could count on betray our trust, how do we pick up the pieces and move on?

Those were the the words Becky had written back when the whole Sasha thing happened, in fact Becky had probably half a journal or so of written pages about it, because yes, as cliche as it sounds she’s a bookworm who also happens to write, at the end of the day written words is where she find solace for her feelings.

So here she is now, locked in her office, re-reading her old journals, reminding herself that she somehow was able to come back from a very broken heart and get over everything. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have things to say to Sasha, which is why when she received a call to her bookstore a couple of days ago she agreed to talk to her and see her in her store, the place where she feels the safest.

The bell above the store’s door ringing, brings out the redhead from her thoughts, assuming it could be just another customer she tried to resume her thinking.

“You are not welcomed here.” She heard an english accent say angrily.

Alright, so not another customer then.

“I’m here to see Becky.” Sasha said calmly, fully understanding where the english girl’s aggression was coming from.

“You are 5 years to late for that, don’t you think?” Said Paige before continuing. “In fact I have a few things to say to you.”

“Paige.” Becky interrupted the black haired girl before she could continue. “It’s fine, I called her.” She then turned to look at Sasha. “This way.”

She led Sasha to her office before closing the door.

“I’m actually interested in how you’ve been, but before I start being nice to you we really need to get rid of the elephant in the room, so let’s get straight to the point.” Becky said, she leaned against her desk and crossed her arms.

Sasha is  a very confident woman but she does admit she feels quite lost standing in the middle of Becky’s office, she takes a deep breath and decides to handle this the way Becky wants to handle it, so if she wants to go straight for the angst then she will, and if the redhead wanted to throw things at her then she will take them like a champ, she owns it to her.

“You know for the longest time I wanted to go back in time and keep you from going out that night.” Becky says with a humorless laugh. “That night is where everything changed, is when you started pulling away, what I don’t understand why lie to me instead of talking to me? Why let me believe we were fine? Why convince me that you still wanted to marry me and then just walked away?” Becky’s asked frustrated and determined to get the answers she wish she had for the longest time.

“Look, I know I went about it the wrong way…”

“The wrong way?” The redhead cuts in. “No! Wrong is forgetting your house keys at work, wrong is not knowing whites and colors are washed separately. But cheating on me? Lying to me? Leaving me at the fucking altar is so far from ‘wrong’ Sasha.” Becky’s voice escalated with each question, all her frustration coming out at once.

“You… you knew?” Asked Sasha with a frown. “About Bayley.”

“Of course I knew, I’m not an idiot.”  Becky said, rolling her eyes.

“Then why did you stay?”

“Love and stupidity can be a strong enough glue to stay on a shitty relationship.” She said shrugging. “Besides I could ask you the same thing.” She said.

“Because despite it all, I loved you, I really did. And I was conflicted about what I wanted and was too scared to make a choice, even if deep down I already knew what that choice would be.” Sasha took a deep breath before continuing. “You know, for the longest time I regretted falling for her, Bayley I mean, because I had you, and Becks believe me, you were nothing if not perfect, I truly mean it when I say I regret so much how I went about things, you didn’t deserve any of that.” 

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