Chapter 1

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“But that is another tale, and as I said in the beginning this is just a story meant to be read in bed in an old house on a rainy night”

The final words of John Cheever signaled the end of the day for Becky, after all the bookstore she was currently manager of, was not exactly popular but it didn´t lack clients either, it had enough to keep it running, plus the fact that the store offered restoration services also help with the clientele. But since it was mostly the same customers in and out, generally all days were slow days, so Becky as per usual, spent her time reading.

Foley´s Bookshop sat in a hidden corner at the edge of downtown, the owner Mick, was Becky´s mentor all through her youth, being a big reader since she was young she remembers coming here everyday after school, refusing to do her homework and ‘living on the clouds’  as her ma’ would say, well Mr. Foley saw this as an opportunity and showed her the ropes, from how to open up a book properly, how you make them, how every book deserves respect no matter how shitty it is, ‘It's still someone's masterpiece Becky, we need to treat it as such’ , to teaching her the business aspect of running a bookshop.

She’s been working here since high school, so one day after she came back from college, Mr. Foley stopped showing up, giving Becky a key. nonverbally trusting her to run the shop herself and here she is several years later still running the shop, and treating the books with respect even the shitty ones like 50 Shades of Grey.


Nearing closing time, the redhead closed the book she was reading and decided to start cleaning up to close up, she needed to check numbers on the register, pick up books customers left on the various tables, cleaning up the coffee cups,roll down the blinds and turn off the lights.  She usually has her best friend help her, but she had asked for the day of, so closing up took a bit longer that usual. She was locking up the register, when someone walked in.

Confused, Becky looked at who it was, it was definitely not a regular customer because they would usually be around here in the afternoon, no, it was a girl, taller than her, eyes the most beautiful shade of blue, and long blonde hair, oh what a girl she was.

She noticed Becky looking at her and how she was locking the register,

“Oh, shit! sorry, where you closing? I can leave”

"No, it's fine. You can look around, name's Becky and I'm the manager I can pay myself some overtime" She smiled and the blonde girl smiled softly back at her.

“I'm Charlotte and thank you, I'll be quick” The blonde responded and starting walking towards the various bookshelves.

Becky looked at how the blonde walked through every aisle, skimming through some books, but it seemed she really didn’t have a clue as to what she was looking for.

“Is there anything specific you are looking for?” Becky walked towards the girl, her hands tucked in her jean pockets, looking curiously at the girl, she’s never seen her before, she wonder is she just moved here or maybe just visiting.

“Yes.. well no… um” The blonde tucked some hair behind her ear and cleared her throat, “I mean, I just moved here and I need to fly back home for some of my things, is a long flight so I was looking for some light reading but something I don’t really have to focus on”  Becky smirked,

“Alright I know just the thing follow me” she walked towards one of the first shelfs in the store and made a full stop on in front it “Ta da!” she smiled gesturing with her hand.

The shelf classification read ‘If You Just Want A Good Laugh While On The Plane’ which was right next to ‘If You Plan on Hibernating This Winter’ and right above ‘If You Just Finished Binge Watching The Handmaid’s Tale’ the blonde couldn’t help but laugh and looked slightly confused “I’m not sure these are actual genre’s”

The redhead laugh, “Oh they are not, but Mr. Foley, the owner, he says it’s easier for non readers to pick a book if you give them a reason to read it, without confusing them with genres and authors” she shrugged “I think he might be right.. but anyways your book, let's see…”

The blonde couldn’t help but stare at the redhead, she was beautiful, long hair cascading down her back, perfect nose, and her smile, wow!, Charlotte thinks she’s never seen anyone like her, there’s a softness about her, and a safeness and something that just calls her like her soul is being pulled towards her, Charlotte is not sure she wants it to stop, she decides then and there she will come back after her trip.

“Aha! here you go”

The redhead snapped the blonde out of her thoughts and showed her the book she chose, grabbing it the blonde read the title “How Did You Get This Number” the blonde looked quizzically at the girl in front her.

“Ok so I´d give this book a 3 out of 5 stars buuut… it is a good light read, I mean you go from a bear-infested wedding in Alaska to a run-in with clowns in Portugal” Becky smiled “While having the stories be somewhat empathetic about what a person can go through in their life”

The blonde smiled, "If you like it so much then I'll get it."

"Oh? You'll love it" Becky smiled

"I’m sure I will, so how much will this be?"

"Oh It's fine, you can just take it, think of it as a welcoming gift," The redhead replied, she was too kind for her own good to be frank. But she already closed the register and did today’s numbers, plus with the gorgeous girl standing in front her, her brain was a little distracted.

"What? No please it's fine, I can pay"  The blonde shook her head

"Please, it’s on the house, plus you don’t even know if you’ll like it, if you don’t you can come and give it back, deal?” She extended her hand in front the blonde and smiled as the blonde took it.

"Deal!, Thank you so much! I’ll come back to tell you how I liked the book” The blonde smiled, shook Becky´s hand and walked away from the store.

“Cant wait…” The redhead whispered

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