Reverse Necromancy

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"Goddamnit, who revived Grandpa? The man's falling apart!" Sandra waved an accusing hand at exhibit A, an old man lounging in an armchair. His suit was filthy and bits of his weak, grey skin were flapping around loosely.

"Eh?" He questioned her.

Her sister shifted uncomfortably. "This is weird..." Cassie moaned.

"Oh, shut up, what's wrong with him being around again? He's not doing any harm and maybe he'll help us find his will!" Their younger brother, Tom, was way too enthusiastic.

Sandra narrowed her eyes. "Did you do this? What did Mum tell you about borrowing her magic books for self-indulgent necromancy?" She scolded.

"It wasn't me! I'm just saying, why not take advantage of the situation?" He protested.

Cassie let out another groan, "Maybe because he stinks! And anyway, he can't tell us anything, he's deaf!"

"I can still lip-read, you rude, ungrateful little tyke!" Grandpa protested.

Cassie flushed. Sandra whirled around and subjected the old man to an interrogating glare. "So why don't you tell us who did this? What did you see?"

"Well, it was Mary who dug me up," The man revealed.

His grandchildren looked at one another, one question on all their minds.

"Who the hell's Mary?" Tom demanded to know, voicing all their thoughts.

"Did your mother never tell you? Your half-sister, Mary."

And just like that, they had another family mystery to solve.

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