chapter 18 Lonan

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Resting my head in the chair as my hangover just felt even worse. Sitting over coffee and pain killers I knew nothing would shift this.. Linda came in bearing the post.

"Morning Mr smith.. here's the post. "

"Thank you"

"Are you okay sir?"

"Yeah just drank far too much last night"

"Good night then.. Good food..the dress" she excitedly fired questions at me

"Great food.. dress beautiful..just drank too much"

"Well sir you don't have a busy day.."


"Can I get anything?"

"No... thanks" she closed my door and before I knew it I was woken up by Linda running into my office in floods of tears, I must have fallen asleep, completely startled I was trying to understand her words which seemed so jumbled up.

"Wait a minute.. Linda" she held her hands to her mouth..

"What.." shooting to her side she sobbed

"Its my daughter..I need to go"

"Go where" I tried to stay calm

"The hospital."

"Get your coat.." I grabbed my keys as she hurried off..

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