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"phil- phil?!" i slammed onto the door to his cabin, which eventually swung open.

"they know" i told him, yet he seemed unphased.

"we're aware. techno's gone, not sure what to do with dream." he stated, simply motioning for me to step inside.

"what do you mean? where'd techno go? did quackity-"

"the alarms were going off all morning at the prison, i assume once they discovered they were gone. techno ran off, i believe i know where he went yet it isnt relevant for now."

"quackity searched schlatts place. he- he-"

"ivy, breathe" phil spoke, placing a hand on my shoulder. i just stared at him blankly, as i payed no attention to my breathing pattern. "you're panicking."

"no shit! we're fucked!"

"we. are. fine" phil softly says, spacing out each word.

i silently make my way down the trapdoor, down into the basement of techno's cabin.

dream was kept down there, with a small cot and fed bread which was leftover from niki's bakery.

techno handcuffed one of dreams arms to the bed, as of course he didn't trust him.

dreams eyes locked onto me, as i stood against the ladder down.

"hows it going" he simply mumbled. his voice was horse, as he probably hadn't had a sip of water in awhile.

"good, and for you?"

"could be.. better"

why did he seem genuine.

"why're you down here" he added.

"curious" i replied, as i didn't step a foot further into the room.

"where's techno?"

"i- i'm not sure"

"out.. roaming free huh?" dream stated, as he sat besides the bed. he sat with both of his hands behind his back, which i noted for some reason.

"i honestly don't know where he went, i asked phil about it, he never gave me a direct answer"

"ivy, i need to speak to you" quackity announced, as i made my way into las nevadas. he sounded formal, as he seemed to be these past weeks. i missed the clown he used to be.

i followed him up the needle, which overlooked all of las nevadas. last time i was up here was late at night with charlie, as we sat along the edge and watched the sun set.

he sat at one of the tables, motioning for me to sit across. my anxiety slowly rose, as i was starting to pick up on the fact this wasn't a friendly conversation. "what's going on?"

"well i've been supplied with some information, and wanted to discuss it with you"

my heart dropped, what information? the prison break? techno? dream? schlatt?

"phil, niki, ranboo"

he pauses.

"techno, and ivy"


"what?" i played dumb.

am i in trouble? why am i being interrogated? who told him? is he going to hurt me? does he care? what even was the syndicate?

"the syndicate"

"the.. syndicate" i repeated after him.

"yup, now what was this group?"

"it- it never meant anything to me. i'm just- really close with alot of them so.."


"techno formed it, i never wanted to be totally loyal to it as i wasn't sure i could trust them." i tried to be honest. i honestly didn't know how to answer the question.

"what was the goal of the syndicate"

"i.. i don't know"


"i said i don't know!"

he paused, and simply stared at me for a moment. what was he going to do?

"this information is between us. i never told you. i do not know what the syndicate is, you are dismissed."

i'm what now? no need to be so formal.

yet i listened, silently stepping away and back down the large elevator down.

i wanted to act unbothered, yet i was terrified. dream is out of the prison, i helped him out. quackity's aware of the syndicate. he could possibly be aware of me helping techno out. everything seems to be falling out of place.

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