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i pulled my armor, in which techno once gifted me, out of my ender chest. i placed the helmet on, adjusting it on my head.

ranboo sat silently, watching as i slid my boots on.

"your helmet's crooked" ranboo said softly, recieving a playful glare from me.

"it doesn't sit right because of my horns" i sighed, trying to somewhat adjust it.

niki popped her head into the room, which was a guest room in phil's cabin.

"you two ready?"

"yeah, i guess." i replied, placing small throwing knives into a, compartment like, pocket in my armor.

i glanced to ranboo once niki stepped away, he seemed to sit somewhat spaced out.

"are you gonna be alright today?"

"it's just.. anxiety. i'm a huge part in this plan, what if i fuck up?"

"you'll be alright, i promise. if anything happens i'll be there to protect you."

i knew he was worried about the amount of energy he'd need to use, since he'd have to teleport a fair amount.

i remember finding him hyperventilating once, like he was about to pass out. later he told me it was because he used far too much energy teleporting around.

i felt worried for him too honestly. but.. we really had no other plan.

phil treaded ahead of us as we approached the prison from a far, as we were unaware of sam's whereabouts.

"do we just.. go in? pray he isn't in there?" ranboo asked, as he stood next to me.

"yeah, unless someone wants to go in alone first-"

"we're all going together, might as well" i cut phil off, receiving a look.

and so we went, making our way through the portals and into the prison's makeshift lobby.

sam was nowhere to be seen, a huge relief as we made our way around the room.

phil quickly flicked a switch, opening the first hidden door. maybe this was easier than they made it sound.

a huge lava pit sat at the end of the hall, as phil begun flicking levers, causing redstone to activate and build a bridge across.

phil lead the way, as if he'd gone through this prison hundreds of times.

the prison was quite impressive, yet honestly over complicated.

soon we're met with a lava wall, one phil wasn't sure how to get through. "ight ranboo, it's your time to shine."

ranboo looked worried, i honestly was too. yet soon he took our hands, then we appeared in another obsidian box with walls of levers.

phil had already got to moving, as he begun flicking switches once again. "dream and techno are right behind that wall of lava, i can bring it down or ranboo can teleport us right in."

"it's an obsidian box, no way out except through ranboo. ranboo i want you to get techno and get out of there as fast as possible, we may have to leave some behind-"

"what? leave some behind? with dream- that fuckin-"

"ivy shh.." niki stated, causing me to shut up.

"i didn't sigh up to possibly be locked in a room with him-"

"key work possibly. it's what we have to do to get techno out, and ranboo could always come back for you." phil gave me a stern look, as if he was annoyed by my bickering.

i stood quietly, giving up. there was no point in arguing.

ranboo sat on the floor silently, i could tell he was already somewhat wore out.

"ranboo.. we need you again" phil stated, standing near him. ranboo got up, taking phil's hand then nikis.

"ivy.. c'mon"

i sighed and gave in, taking a hold of nikis hand.

"ah yes my uber's here."


it was like something overtook me, as it happened in a flash. i tackled dream to the floor, screaming nothings as him.

"you fuckin- you're disgusting!"


"shut up!"

"you're so fuckin lucky i would fucking kill you right now!"

yet i was slammed onto the ground, and dream was over me. my sword lied in his hands.

"all talk, no bite."

he held my sword to my neck, my helmet fell off in the process causing my head to slam onto the hard obsidian flooring.

yet somehow dream was off of me, and i just lied on the cold floor breathless.

yet i could hear niki screaming profanities.

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