"I'm getting a drink" I say, making my voice louder as I yell over the music. Amelie and Chloe nod there heads and let me go as I make my way over to the makeshift drinks table filled with colourful bottles.

Walking through the crowds, I pour myself 6 shots and down them like water— feeling the liquid burn my throat. Pure euphoria.

With the alcohol coursing through my veins, I make my way over to the dance floor that lays in the middle of the room.

Swaying my hips to the music. Letting my body take over, not think twice when I feel a pair of hands on my waist. They hold me in place as I grind on their dick, turning around to face the man I'm met with the guy from the race.


A small chuckle emits from his lips, "Actually it's Theo but you can call me whatever"

I shrug and look up at him through my eyelashes, and a smirk graces his lips.

"Can I kiss you Bella?" He asks and without responding I crash my lips into his. Wrapping my arms around his neck, pushing us impossibly closer together.

We kiss on the dance floor, ignoring the noise around us as we dive into each other. His tongue slips across my lips, begging for entrance— which I grant him instantly.

I don't notice as he pulls me down onto the one of the couches that line the walls and onto his lap. I grip his jaw and grind on his lap, feeling him get hard underneath me.

I'm pulled off Theo's lap, by another pair of large hands— those time firmer as they set on my hips, lifting me into their arms, bridle style baby.

"Theo she's drunk" the mystery man says.

Damn. I was always into hot and mysterious.

"So am I" Theo says, slurring over his words as he stands up, stumbling over his feet in the process.

I look up and the hot mystery guy and smile when I notice Ares, he must know Theo.

"Ares! It's been so long" I yell out to him and he winces at my loud volume before saying some things to Theo. What he is saying? no fucking idea i blocked it out ages ago.

Fuck me for not being able to hold my alcohol, you would think I'd be use to it by now.

" Where are your friends darling" he says looking down at me while I play with the ends of my hair, I look up at him through my eyelashes again and tilt my head to the side.

"Look for a ranga, most likely sucking some chicks face off"

He lets out a low groan of annoyance before setting off looking for Amelie.

I hear more hushed conversations, and something about if you hurt her then I'll shove my foot so far up your ass it comes up your mouth?

Foot up ass? Sounds like twitter porn.

I feel my body being lifted into a familiar sports car and I look over at Ares, he's driving with one arm on the wheel and the other on the shifter, the sleeves of his button up rolled towards is elbows-- the veins of his arms revealed as he concentrates on the road.

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