Part 4

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Special chapter: "History repeats itself"

Gar remembered he slept on his bed but when he woke up he found himself lying on a cold dirty ground. When he looked around, he saw weird images all over walls, it was like an ancient castle.

Gar was horrified when he realized he couldn't sense anything. His high primal senses were neutralized and he felt like a normal human being.

"You're awake."

A voice startled Gar and he frantically searched until his eyes landed on a hooded figure. He should've gained a defense mode but all he could do was stare at it as the figure moved towards him. It was as if he was possessed.

"Who are you?" Gar absentmindedly questioned. The figure didn't answered but lifted it's head and what Gar saw shocked him to his core.

He saw the same violet eyes locked with his forest green ones. He could only think of one person.


The figure chuckled and amusement sparkled in it's eyes.

"No. And you don't need to know who I am. All that you should concern now is Rachel, Raven."

"What do you mean?"

"Bring her back. All her memories, good or bad. You need to do that, only you can." It stopped for a moment then continued, "The world is in danger. Only Raven knew how to stop it and now that she is gone, nothing will stop the bad from happening. Not even Titans. Only she can do it, and for that she needs her memories back."

Gar was conflicted and asked, "What do you mean by "Only you can"? And what danger, What are you talking about!?"

"We don't have much time left," muttered the figure. "Bring her back and everything would be fine. You know how to bring them back."

"How?" Gar asked confused.

"Take her to where it all started."


Maybe it was all just a dream.

But it felt so real.

Maybe his subconscious created the scenario so that he could bring her memories back.

He's not that smart.

Gar groaned and hit his head repeatedly on his table.

"I don't understand." he mumbled. "How am I suppose to bring her back? Why me? I'm pretty sure Robin's way smarter than me! Or Cy? Ever Star, but why me?"

"I don't even know her that much," he continued his rant. "All I know is that she was this girl who always hid inside her clock, had super cool telepathy powers and a crazy demonic father, loved drinking nasty green teas, meditated and read books almost everytime I saw her, didn't show any emotions, and..."

"That's basically it!" He yelled and groaned again. "It's messing with my head! I don't know what to do."

Maybe he does but he just doesn't want to.

Realization his him like a bus.

"I-" Gar paused. "I don't wanna do it."

"She's so happy, without caring about Trigon and her powers. She's living a life she always wanted. A normal, happy life. I can't take that away from her." He whispered sadly. "It's the least I could do after what we did to her."

But world's in danger.

"I don't care! Maybe it was just a dream. Until I really know that it was true, I will not try to bring her memories back. She's better off this way. She's better off without us."

Nodding to himself, he made his decision clear.


"He's stupid." She muttered. "I explained him and yet he doesn't understand how important this is! Why did you chose him?"

"I understand that you're troubled, Arella, but you need to understand that he's in a life changing position right now. He only wants the best for her." The old lady begin. "Thousands of years ago, a girl was born. She was half demon and half human. Her destiny was fixed, she would sacrifice herself for her father to vanish all mortals and rule the world of Earth. The little girl was hidden from the world, because they thought she was dangerous. One day, she ran from her home and met four young children just like her. Together they did everything to protect Earth."

"The demon was not pleased to know that his portal was doing such things. He created six demon sons and asked them to destroy her and the Earth. They were successful in destroying the girl, but she saved the planet and locked away all of them. Then the demon started a cult to add more humans and make another portal."

Arella looked at the floor intensely as she heard what the old lady was saying.

"A young teenager, rebellious against her parents decided to run away from her house and join the cult. She was chooses as the bride of that demon. He raped her and planted a new portal. Teenager was broken and confused, so she tried to kill herself but she was stopped. She was told that it would kill her, but not the child. So after nine months, she gave birth to another little girl but this time it was different."

"She was more powerful than him. He was furious and tried to destroy her too. That was when they realized she was the shield. Unlike her sister, she was not to destroy but to protect. She was sent to the Earth by her Guardians to keep her safe. She became a superhero and fought Trigon and destroyed him. That girl was Raven."

"Why did you told me this?" Arella asked.

The old lady looked in her eyes. Even though she was blind, it looked as if she was staring right in her soul.

"History repeats itself, Arella."

"What do you mean?" She asked nervously.

"Her brothers are coming to visit their little sister."

Word counting- 961

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