Part 2

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Third Person POV

Rachel and Gar were walking down the narrow path of the park. It was dark and the moon was only half visible. The lamps in the park helped them find their way. They have been talking for some time now, and how she responds, Gar knows she really has changed. 

"You, wanna hear a joke?" Gar started. Now, for normal Raven, she would have said no or some sarcastic comment. But as for Rachel... 

"Ooh I love jokes, tell me!" Excitement shone in her eyes. 

He grinned from ear to ear and stared at his joke, "What would you call the security outside a Samsung store?" 

"What?" She asked 

"Guardians of the galaxy!" He started laughing, and to his surprise, the person next to him started laughing harder than him. She clutched her stomach and laughed and laughed.

"That... was good... one!" She said between her panting breaths. 

He doesn't want this moment to end. I mean, how often you get to make Raven laugh? I'll tell you... None! 

"So, what are your hobbies?" She asked. They were now walking towards the little pond that was right between the park. 

"Well, I like to play video games, eat food and make jokes." Well, he didn't have a lot of hobbies. 

"No way. You play video games. Which one?" She asked out of pure curiosity.

He was shocked. Hmm... Maybe he's gonna get another partner for video games now! 

"Well, my favorite is Mega monkeys 4 classics but the most interesting is Mega monkeys big boss and temple clash." 

(Wow, who thought I can make such things?) 

"Oh. Have you solved the big boss one? I am on 12th level and it's already getting hard to pass. The log worm is really blocking my path." Rachel said. 

"Log worm? I know, I was stuck on him for days. Maybe I can show you how to solve it. It was really hard to pass through him." 

"Ohk. Well, looks like we got the same interest huh?" She said smiling.

"Yeah, we do!" Gar added. 

"Hey, it's getting pretty late, imma go home now. See ya later." She said as she picked up her violin and ran towards the main gates of the park. Gar waved at her.

He can't believe what has happened in the last few hours. He met Raven. She doesn't remember him. She is all happy and childish. She enjoys video games. She laughed at his joke. She even said 'See ya later' which means she wants to meet him again? Wow. It's like dream come true. 

He sighed and turned into a pterodactyl and flew towards the T shaped building.

The green pterodactyl landed on the roof of giant T. He can't hold his excitement to tell his friends what happened!! He ran even faster than flash and barged into the common room startling everyone. 

"GUYS!" he shouted at top of his lungs. 

"B, you gave me a heart attack here man!" Cyborg said as he paused the screen. 

"Friend Beast Boy, where have you been?" Starfire asked. 

"Guys you won't believe who I met today!" 

"Selena Gomez?" Cyborg asked half-joking.

"Nah dude, why would I meet Selena Gomez? I met... RAVEN!" 

The room was silent. All stared at Beast Boy. What did he just say? 

"You met... Raven?" Robin asked. Beast Boy nodded eagerly.

After a long silence came... 





Beast Boy stopped their shouting. 

"Guys, I met Raven. But she doesn't remember us." He said. 

"Friend Raven doesn't remember us! Why?" 

"Here's why. Raven never used her mortal side. And when we fought, we finished her Demon side. Now, the only one existing is her mortality. I met her mortality and she doesn't know us. I don't think she has power too. Also, she has the same interests as me. It was fun hanging out with her. And also when I showed her my green skin she didn't call me a freak. Instead, she said I look good because I am good." Beast Boy finished smiling. 

No-one spoke. They were still digesting it. Hmm... maybe if Beast Boy hangs out with her, she would remember all of them?   

Finally, Robin decided to speak, "Beast boy, do us a favor. You hang out with her and help her remember us. Ok?" 

"Count it, Ok dude! I am so ready for it!!" Beast Boy exclaimed and ran towards his room. All Titans sighed and then smile. Finally, old times will come back. 


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